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Lessons Learned

  • HELP!

    I promise I don't get stuck in soccer ball bags often. After hearing my dad say, "Just sit down and wait for practice to be over." my brother and I choose not to listen. Why sit and do nothing when there are soccer balls? My brother, who was two years old, went in the bag to get a soccer ball. Unfortunately, he got stuck, so I went to go help him. I got stuck too, causing my dad to stop practice in order to save us. I'm glad I learned to listen at such a young age.
  • Ouch I'm sorry

    Ouch I'm sorry
    As a five years old the universe revolved around me. I did not think of others before myself. That mindset turned one hundred & eighty degrees, when i injured my brothers foot. A normal day at the pool took a drastic turn when instead of waiting for others I threw the door open, not realizing my brother was right outside. My brother had a gaping cut in his foot. From then on, I tried to think of others before myself, and be patient before springing into action.
  • I can't?

    I can't?
    Before trying out for the Naples Phenom 8th Grade travel team, I had always achieved all that I wanted. For every coach, team, and grade, I was the best. That all changed when a coach said, "Robert, I'm sorry you didn't make the team." After thirteen years of yes and of course you can, a single, you're not good enough, crushed me. This event caused a lifetime of second guessing, wondering if I'm good enough or not. As a result of this disappointment, I take advantage of every opportunity.
  • Wow!

    Now, I love math and am fairly good at the subject. As a private school student for the majority of my education, I have not been in classes with many struggling students. My dad suggested I help him with his summer math class - students who could not pass Algebra. They were challenged with the easiest math problem. This opened my eyes. Now the education my parents had given me meant so much more than ever before. I am blessed.
  • Let it go

    Let it go
    When I don't want someone to worry about something I simply don't tell them everything. For instance, one of my doctors gave me terrible news and instead of telling my mom, I held it in. Several months later, I told my mom. I cracked and within a day my mom put my thoughts to rest . She investigated and discovered a better answer. Now knowing that help is always available, and I do not have to go it alone, has made me a more open person.
  • Prayer is Powerful

    Prayer is Powerful
    During my radiation therapy, there was a period where I became stressed out, worried about eveything, and nothing was calming me down. There was one that did; prayer. One day I went down to the Ronald McDonald House office to see if I had any mail. There was one package from Mrs. Meyers. She sent a summary of the prayers the entire class of 2017 said for me with an individual letter from each student. I will never forget that moment nor how powerful prayer is during a time of need.
  • No Way!

    No Way!
    During my radiation treatment, they play music in the background to keep your mind off the seriousness of what's happening. On the last day of radiation, the last song that played before I was done was "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. All I could say was "No way" as I walked out of the radiation room. That moment showed me everything happens for a reason.
  • Dolphins?!?

    "And then we'll go swimming with dolphins." In the back of my mind, I'm wondering -should even do this? Trust me all the skepticism and doubt was blown out of the water the moment the dolphins pushed me on the surface of the water like a jetski. Then the dolphins did the same to my brother except better, and that's when I stood in awe. I realized, parents always know best, never doubt something you haven't tried, and when you expect good things, great things will follow.