Lesson 40 timeline

  • Period: 1452 to 1519

    Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci

    Leonardo was one of the most influential people in Renaissance Era Europe. Leo was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. He was apprehended under the famous Florentine painter Verrocchio. Da Vinci created master pieces such as, " The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa", " Salvator Mundi", and many more.
  • Period: 1475 to 1564

    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simone

    Michaelangelo was another brilliant mind of the Renaissance era. He was often compared and in constant competition with Leonardo Da Vinci. He studied under the Medici family and was an apperntance to Ghirlandaio. He was a master of the knowledge of human anatomy. His works, including the world famous " David" statue highlights this immense knowledge. Michelangelo also painted " The Sistine Chapel", and the " Creation of Adam" along will many other beautiful works.
  • Period: 1488 to 1576

    Tiziano Vecellio, better known as Titian

    Titian was born in the Republic of Venice. He was was an incredible painter, especially known for his portraiture in his later years. He created masterpieces such as: " Assumption of the Virgin", " Bacchus and Ariadne", many portraits ( by famous people like King Chalres V), and more. He often used Greek mythology, vibrant colors, and realistic images.
  • 1500

    Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch entitled “The Garden of Worldly Delights,”

    This triptych was influenced by European feelings towards the newly found New World. It depict a strange land with strange creatures, an ideal world, human's fallen society (for which the painting was named after " The Garden of Worldly Delights), and Hell. When folded up it shows Earth with the biblical verse "“For He spoke, and it was done” and “He commanded, and it stood fast”".
  • Period: 1500 to 1540

    1500-1540 CE Art and Society

  • Period: 1500 to 1540

    Italian philosophy of Humanism arises

    Humanism was an optimistic philosophy that saw man as good in nature and able to think and choice how to act by himself. Da Vinci was a firm supporter, along with many other prominent minds of this era.
  • 1501

    Ottaviano Petrucci Creates the musical printing press

    This printing press was specifically for printing written music. Writing music had been a long laborious process before. This invention allowed polyphonic music to be mass produced. This allowed people in lower classes of society to learn music, something that had been nearly impossible before ( had to have a teacher who memorized songs).
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    King Henry VIII

    He was originally a supporter and even deemed the " Defender of the Faith" by the Catholic Pope Leo X; However, after being denied a divorce he violently led against Catholicism. This led to the destruction and looting of many many Catholic buildings and churches ( known as the Dissolution of Monasteries). Henry turned to Protestantism to fill his many divorce/wife needs, establishing the Church of England in 1534 ( with him as the sole ruler).
  • 1510

    First slaves transported to Latin America

  • 1515

    War breaks out France versus Italian states

    King François I of France led a military campaign that captured Milan.
  • 1517

    The Reformation Is Sparked

    Martin Luther shares his " 95 Theses" against the Catholic Church, starting the religious Reformation. Protestant religion explodes and spread across Europe.
  • Period: 1518 to 1525

    Wittenberg Reformation ( pinnacle)

    This was a boom in the use of written materials to support the Reformation. This was heavily used by Protestants who use the secular language to translate the Bible, making it available to the public!
  • 1519

    Charles V ( King of Netherland and Spain) and Spanish troops capture Milan

    The French and Spain had been fighting over the Italian city-states. Eventually France makes a alliance with some Italian city states ( League of Cognac) to fight against Spain. Spain , however, eventually takes Rome, leading to great Spanish influence in Italy.
  • 1519

    "Magellan sails the world and proves the Earth is round."

  • Period: 1519 to 1535

    Spanish Colonization of Mexico

  • Period: 1521 to 1527

    Wars devastate Italian States

    Wars against the French and Spanish take a toll on the ununified Italian states.
  • 1529

    The commedia dell’arte

    These famous Italian comic plays where the first to allow women to preform on stage. Italian culture had been demoralized by recent wards and their lack of influence in the New World , these plays were a way for society to escape ( and even poke-fun at themselves).
  • 1529

    French sign the Treaty of Cambrai

    This formally renounced French ownership of all territory in the Italian states.
  • Period: 1530 to 1567

    Portuguese colonization of Brazil

  • Period: 1532 to 1553

    "Spanish colonization of Peru, Chile and Argentina"

  • Period: 1536 to 1540

    Dissolution of The Monasteries

    During the first years of The Church of England, Catholic Churches were looted and destroyed. This was due to the demand of Henry VIII after a falling out with the Catholic Church.