Leslie Retana 5 Honors US 1 Ch 13

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    Oregon Trail most active

    The eastern part of the Oregon Trail spanned part of the state of Kansas, and nearly all of what are now the states of Nebraska and Wyoming. The western half of the trail spanned most of the states of Idaho and Oregon.
  • Black Hawks war

    brief conflict between the United States and Native Americans led by Black Hawk, a Sauk leader.
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    Battle of the Alamo

    fought in San Antonio Texas
  • Texas becomes an independent state

    texas became independent
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    Presidency of James K. Polk

    11th president of the United States.
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    Mexican American War

    armed conflict between the United States and the United Mexican States
  • Mormon migration to Utah

    Mormon settlers left and headed west along the California Trail
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    California Gold Rush

    The news of gold brought some 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The war officially ended with the February 2, 1848, signing in Mexico of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase is a 29,670-square-mile region of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico
  • Fort Laramie Treaty

    an agreement between the United States and the Oglala, Miniconjou, and Brulé bands of Lakota people