Leonardo Da Vinci's Life

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Lenardo Da Vinci was Born

    Lenardo Da Vinci was Born
    Lenardo Da Vinci was born in Italy, near vinci on April 15. He was the child of ser Piero a notray and a family survent, Caterina.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519

    Lenardo da vinci's life

    Lenardo da vinci's life span and imoprtant events
  • Jan 1, 1469

    Lenardo Da Vinci Joined the shop of Adrea Del Verrochio

    Lenardo Da Vinci Joined the shop of Adrea Del Verrochio
    In Florince Lenardo joins a shop callled Adrea Del Verrochio. At the shop he sculpts, draws and paints.He learned to draw at the shop.
  • Jan 1, 1473

    First official Painting

    First official Painting
    Lenardo produces ansighned pen and ink drawing of Arno Valley. "It was the frst work that can be credited to him with any certainty".
  • Jan 1, 1482

    Lenardo makes a horse scalpter and moves to Milan

    Lenardo makes a horse scalpter and moves to Milan
    Lenardo makes a horse scalpter in memory of Franseco Sforza. The horse was never origanially finished by Lenardo Da Vinci. So Charles C. Dent finished the project it took 15 years. Now the horse is in GRAND RAPIDS,MICHIGAN at Fredrick Mejier gardens.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    The last supper

    The last supper
    Lenanardo Da Vinci begins painting the last supper in the dining hall of Santa Maria delle Grazie a monistery in Milan
  • Jan 1, 1502

    Lenardo begins miltitary servise

    Lenardo begins miltitary servise
    Lenardo begins military service. He made sketches for the militery
  • May 4, 1503

    Mona lisa

    Mona lisa
    Lenardo starts painting the Mona Lisa and the Battle of Anghairah in the Plazazza Vicco in Florence, Italy.
  • Apr 23, 1519

    Lenardo Da Vinci Die's

    Lenardo Da Vinci Die's
    Lenardo Da vinci dies at the age of 67.