
Leonardo da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo born on April 15

    Leonardo born on April 15
    Anchiano, Italia. Leonardo was born to Ser Piero, a notary, and Caterina, a peasant girl; his parents were never married.
  • 1467

    Leonardo becomes an apprentice

    Leonardo becomes an apprentice
    Andrea del Verrocchio, in Florence. was the teacher of Leonardo 1467.This date is an estimate, the apprenticeship could have begun a year or two later. But even 1467 would have been a bit late according to the customs of the time: Leonardo would have been fifteen, and most apprentices began at a younger age.
  • 1472

    "The Florence painters"

    "The Florence painters"
    Leonardo becomes a member of the Florence painters guild. Birth of Copernicus. Dante's The Divine Comedy is published. Other famous painters to join the painters' guild in 1472 were Botticelli and Perugino.
  • 1473

    The First piant of Leonardo known

    The First piant of Leonardo known
    Leonardo draws a landscape on the Feast of Santa Maria della Neve. This is his earliest known drawing, though he probably also had a hand in Verrochio's Baptism of Christ, which probably reached completion
  • 1477

    Annunciation to the Virgin

    Annunciation to the Virgin
    Leonardo had at least some part in the painting the Annunciation to the Virgin, completed around this time.
  • 1478

    The Pazzi family

    The Pazzi family
    The Pazzi family tries to assasinate Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici. Lorenzo survives; Giuliano does not. This same year, Leonardo writes in his notebooks that he has begun "two Virgin Marys." He also paints the Portrait of Ginevra de Benci around this time.
  • 1481

    Leonardo receives a commission

    Leonardo receives a commission
    Leonardo receives a commission to paint the Adoration of the Magi. The painting was never completed, yet was–and is–considered a masterpiece. This same year, most of the other noteworthy painters in Florence were sent to Rome to work on projects for the Pope.
  • 1482

    Leonardo moves from Florence to Milan

    Leonardo moves from Florence to Milan
    Leonardo moves from Florence to Milan, entering the patronage of Ludovico Sforza. By this time, Leonardo is writing in his notebooks regularly.
  • 1483

    Leonardo receives a commission

    Leonardo receives a commission
    Leonardo receives a commission to paint the Virgin of the Rocks. Also, Raphael is born in 1483.
  • 1495

    Leonardo begins a paint

    Leonardo begins a paint
    Leonardo begins his Last Supper in the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
  • 1498

    Leonardo decorates the walls and ceiling

    Leonardo decorates the walls and ceiling
    Leonardo decorates the walls and ceiling of the Sala delle Asse. He also made his first attempts at planning a flying machine around this time. In 1498, Savonarola is burned at the stake.
  • 1500

    Leonardo and Pacioli

    Leonardo and Pacioli
    Leonardo and Pacioli go to Mantua, then Leonardo continues on to Florence. In Mantua, he draws the Portrait in Profile of Isabelle d'Este. In Florence, he paints the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne.
  • 1505

    Leonardo makes a second attempt to build a flying

    Leonardo makes a second attempt to build a flying
    Leonardo makes a second attempt to build a flying machine and begins sketches for the Mona Lisa, which he completes sometime later.In 1505, Leonardo gives up on the Battle of Anghiari, which is deteriorating as he works on it.
  • 1513

    Leonardo moves to Rome.

    Leonardo moves to Rome.
    Leonardo moves to Rome. Living in the Vatican, he studies the properties of mirrors. It is perhaps at this time that he paints the Turin Self-portrait. It was in this year that Leo X (Medici) became pope; the previous year the Medici family returned to power in Florence.
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo dies.

    Leonardo dies.
    In May, Leonardo dies at Cloux.