Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Jan 1, 1450

    Battle of Formigny

    Battle of Formigny
    In the year 1450, a great battle of the French Defeating the English ner the end of the Hundred years' war.
    The French broke the truce in June 1449 and were in a much improved position. The English, who had a weak monarchy Henry VI, were scattered and dangerously weak which gave the French an advantage. Sot they took advantage of the oppertunity and shortly defeated the enemy. http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/davinci/section5/page/2/
  • Jan 1, 1452

    Introducing metal plates

    Introducing metal plates
    Metal plates were first introduced to society in Europe for a new and inproved way of printing on paper. This allowed for books, documents, and other printing source materials to be finished sooner.
  • Apr 14, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci is born

    Leonardo Da Vinci is born
    Leonardo was born in a stone in a stone farmhouse in the town of vinci, to parents who were never married because the mother's poverty was no match for his father's family traditions. After he turned four to five years old, he no longer saw his mother and went to live with his father who married his stepmother, Albeira, a rich young heiress. father was a cold and remote man who was dedicated to only his ambitions.
    Leonardo da Vinci (book reference)
  • Period: Apr 14, 1452 to May 2, 1519

    Leonardo da Vinci

    This is the timeline of Leonardo da Vinci. The man who became a legend of his time by painting, building, sketching, drawing, and many of his ideas in which helped shape art as we know it today.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    The Hundred Years' War

    The Hundred Years' War
    The Hundred Years' war consists of a major struggle between England and France. The war was a timespand of a hundred years beginning in 1337 and ended in 1453. The struggle included many arguments over a series of disputes, on whether who would get to claim the next succession of the English crown.
  • Jan 1, 1454

    Gutenberg Bible

    Gutenberg Bible
    In 1454, the Gutenberg Bible is published and is printed revolutionized European Literacy. Before the printing of the Gutenberg Bible, books were either copied by hand or printed from metal or wooden plates which could take months or years depending on how many pages the book or document had.
  • Jan 1, 1467

    Leonardo apprenticed to Verrocchio

    Leonardo apprenticed to Verrocchio
    In 1469, when Leonardo was 15 years old, he became apprenticed to Verrochio in florence, Italy. There Leonardo helped with paintings and other major projects woth Verrochio. He was an apprentice until the year 1476, when Leonardo was 24 years old.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    The Inquisition

    The Inquisition
    King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella established a spanish inquisition in order to unite and create Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1482

    Life in Milan

    Life in Milan
    Leonardo decides to move from Florence because he seemed unhappy with his life at the time there. He moved to Milan in hopes of something to spark his interest. There were many oppertunities that opened, such as working for Milan's ruler, Ludovico Sforza, to continue with his science interests and much more. While he was in Milan, he drew many ideas for inventions such as catapults, tanks, machine guns, and other weapons and machines.
  • Jan 1, 1483

    Virgin of the Rocks

    Virgin of the Rocks
    In the year 1483, Leonardo began the painting of the Virgin of the Rocks. This painting was made in mind of St. John the Baptist and the Imaculate Conception. The painting reveals the Virgin and Christ Child with the infant John the Baptist and an angel, in a rocky setting. Leonardo made the colors bright in the backround to contrast with the figures in the foreground.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492 to what he thought was India, but was really South America. He enslaved people who he thought were Indians and then brought them back with him from the new world back to Spain. When Columbus got back to Spain, he auctoned the newly enslaved people to the high class.
  • Jan 1, 1493

    The Great Horse

    The Great Horse
    In the 1480s when Leonardo had first asked Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan for work, The Great Horse was one of the projects he proposed to take on. Leonardo planned to cast the giant horse in bronze. In 1493, Leonardo completed a clay model of The Great Horse for Ludovico as a memorial to Ludovico's father, Francesco Sforza.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    The Last Supper (1495-1498)

    The Last Supper (1495-1498)
    Leonardo began painting the Last Supper in Santa Maria delle Grazie, Italy. He painted this because of the Eucharistic theme of sacrifice. After he finished the painting in 1498, Ludovico, Duke of Milan, told him to destroy it in the Dominican monastery of this Church but he wanted to give visible expression to his position in both impressive buildings like the grand Church and grand paintings so the painting was repainted in the church. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/davi/project/history.htm
  • Aug 27, 1499

    Italian War

    Italian War
    In the year 1499, French invaded Milan causing Leonardo to leave for Venice and Florence, Italy. During the time the Frrench invaded Milan, Leonardo had not yet finally finished a grandiose clay model of The Great Horse, so he had no choice but to leave it behind.
  • Jan 1, 1502

    Life as a military engineer (1502-3)

    Life as a military engineer (1502-3)
    From 1502-1503, Leonardo worked as a military engineer for Cesare Borgia in Venice Italy after leaving Florencce of the Italian War a few years prior. In the late summer of 1502, Cesare Borgia planned Leonardo as his chief military engineer. Maps of the time were a birds eye view angle, and at Imola he drew the first directly overhead map of a city. http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/davinci/section6.rhtml
  • Jan 1, 1516

    Leonardo's retirement (1516-17)

    Leonardo's retirement (1516-17)
    In 1516-1517, Leonardo da Vinci "retired" to Amboise in France from Rome. He chose to come to Amboise France because it was the royal residence of French King François I. Leonardo could help the king's armies by designing tanks, flying machines, wind-up cars, gear systems, extending ladders, and water pumps. Leonardo also came to Amboise France for better wine and working conditions. With him he brought along some of his most favorite paintings. http://totallyhistory.com/leonardo-da-vinci/
  • May 2, 1519

    The death of Leonardo da Vinci

    The death of Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo dies on May 02, 1519 at the age of 67. He settled in the Château du Clos-Lucé, a beautiful palace where he spent his last three years of life. http://www.thestar.com/life/travel/2011/12/08/the_french_town_that_charmed_leonardo_da_vinci.html