Leonardo da vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci was born

    Leonardo Da Vinci was born
    Leonardo was born in Italy during the period of the renaissance. His parents were not married, so he spent the first 5 years of his life living with his mother. (McLanathan 2)(Franc 4)
  • Aug 16, 1462

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    Ivan the Great rules Russia until 1505 as first czar. Ivan expanded Russia's territory. He became very effective at using influence, diplomacy and war from skills taught by his father. While Ivan had ruled Russia this was known as a good time where the country was strong. (History.com)
  • Nov 4, 1466

    Research of wind and water

    Research of wind and water
    Leonardo was haunted by the memories of the flood through Florence. After seeing the effect of the flood he began to study wind and water. This started Leonardo's interest in science, which led to the creation of many inventions because he learned how wind and water works. The flood was very important because it caused Leonardo to start his studies in Science which made a big effect during the future. (McLanathan 14)
  • May 15, 1467

    Civil War in Japan

    Civil War in Japan
    A dispute between Hosokawa Katsumoto and Yamana Sōzen had been created into a 10 year civil war involving more groups of Japanese people. This War was named the Onin War and went down as an important moment in Japan's history. (Britannica.com)
  • Jan 19, 1469

    Family Leadership

    Family Leadership
    The Family leadership had fell into the hands of Cosimo's two grandsons. They had carried out the learning of arts and literature through their family. Leonardo grew up having knowledge about art which became very important because he made a career of becoming an artist. Without art and literature carried out from Cosimo's grandsons Leonardo could have become somebody completely different. (McLanathan 15)
  • Jan 29, 1476

    The Baptism of Christ

    The Baptism of Christ
    Leonardo developed his style of art early into his career. He had used different color patterns and worked with contrasts of light and dark. Leonardo's first painting with Verrocchio,"The Baptism of Christ,"had showed the beginning of Leonardo's painting style which lasted throughout his career. Not only was his art style been in"The Baptism of Christ"it has also appeared in a lot of Verrocchio’s work.It became a significant start to becoming an artist.(McLanathan 22) (ThoughtCo.com)
  • Jun 17, 1482

    Trip to Milan

    Trip to Milan
    Leonardo traveled to Milan with a famous Musician, Atalante Migliarotti. This is where he created a spring-loaded catapult which was built to send products over the high walls of the fortress. His trip to Milan was important to him starting and creating new inventions. Leonardo also occupied a special place in Ludovico’s court. He was master of the court festivities, designing sets and costumes and planning plays and musical performances. (McLanathan 27)
  • Jul 7, 1488

    Leonardo sketches the design for a flying machine

    Leonardo sketches the design for a flying machine
    Leonardo attempts to combine the dynamic potential of the human body with an imitation of natural flight. In his notes, he cites the bats, the kite and other birds as models to imitate. Leonardo's passion for flying was carried out, people wanted to fly and created new inventions for the next 300 years. (Batterberry 17)
  • Oct 14, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus was born in Italy but was a Spanish explorer. He made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. but But instead he accidentally came upon the Americas. Millions of people already lived there, but what he found was considered a discovery for Spain. This started more explorers to go on expeditions around the world. (history.com)
  • Sep 6, 1493

    Sforza Horse

    Sforza Horse
    Leonardo created a full-size scale model of the Sforza horse in clay. The Sforza horse was exhibited in the courtyard of the ducal castle. He even invented new special methods for its casting in bronze. The horse had been the largest equestrian statue ever made during this time. (McLanathan 34) (Batterberry 21)
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    This treaty between Spain and Portugal had attempted to ratify ownership of any lands outside Europe, and who could claim them. This had then led to Portugal claiming a large amount of land in South America which was called Brazil. The important result of this treaty was that Central and South America were divided up between Portugal and Spain. (britannica.com)
  • Mar 30, 1497

    John Cabot's First Voyage

    John Cabot's First Voyage
    John Cabot's landing in 1497 is generally thought to be the first European encounter with the North American continent. When he landed in the America's he noticed that parts of the land were once inhabited but there were no people at the time. He then had claimed the land for King Henry. (History.com)
  • Nov 15, 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    1503-1507 the Mona Lisa was created, which is one of Leonardo's most famous paintings. The woman had appeared to be slightly smiling. Leonardo painted women to show their personality, force of character, and social status. His painting has even been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world." (McLanathan 41) (Franc 35)
  • May 14, 1507

    Leonardo Da Vinci's Research

    Leonardo Da Vinci's Research
    While Leonardo was pursuing anatomical research he discovered hardening of the arteries as a cause of death. His studying of science also contributed to his fame he has today. He even made a special study of the process of aging, and his results for studying anatomy had its greatest importance with notes and drawings. (McLanathan 41)
  • Feb 24, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan's Voyage

    Ferdinand Magellan's Voyage
    Magellan left the coast of Spain with a fleet of five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. It was a long tiring and cold Journey where only 18 original crew members had survived, Magellan was not one of them. Although he died on his voyage he was said to be the person the sail around the world. (History.com)
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo Da Vinci' passes away

    Leonardo Da Vinci' passes away
    Leonardo died peacefully at Cloux. He went down in history for one of the most famous artists. (McLanathan 64) (Franc 57) (Batterberry 28)