Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo DA Vinci is born in Vinci, Italy
He was born in the small town of Vinci, Tuscany, Italy. This is a very important date because the father of Inventiing has just been created. Also one day he will become one of the most famous people in the story of our race. Nothing in print as child. ("Masters of The Art, Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist, Inventor and Scientist of The Renaissance", Page 7) -
Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519
Leonardo Da Vinci's life, and events in the world in his life.
Apr 21, 1453
Mehmet 2
Mehmet 2 begins the siege on Constantinople, this is a major world event because constantinople has not been sieged in hundreds of years. Also the invasion that took place was one of the largest in human history, it lasted for ower 5 weeks. Another reason why this is a major world event is that another massive empire is being built and it is called the Ottoman Empire. ("World History, Patterns of Interactions, Rodger,Beck, Linda,Black, Larry, Krieger, Phillip, Naylor, Dahia Ibo Shabaka,Page 444) -
Apr 16, 1469
Leonardo was Apprenticed to Andrea del Verricchio in the year 1469.
Verricciho was a engineer, goldsmith, and painter. This is a important time in Leonardo's life beccause he had got the chance to be come a great painted, artist and inventor. This is where he learns the techinques that will help him become a famous person. (picture is from "Masters of Art Leonardo Da Vinci Artist , Invertor and Scientist of the Renaissance", page 16, Francesca Romei, the publisher is Peter Bedrick Books, 1994.) -
Jan 14, 1482
Leonardo moves to Milan
This is another important date i his lifetime because it marks the beginning of his successful career. Also when he arrives in Milan he was met by Duke Ludovico Sforza, then the ruller of Milan. This is what really sparked his career as an artist, inventor and innovator. ("Masters of Art Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist, Inventor and Scientist of the Renaissance, Francesca Romei,page,30,) -
Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus
This is a very important date in world history because this the time that Columbus discovered the new world, Problay someone before his time truly discovered America,Columbus actualy hit not land but he actualy hit the island chain of the Bahamas. Columbus gets the credit from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, that he has discovered the new world. After he comes back, within a few years he once again returns back to the new world in serch of the riches and for the love of exploring. -
Jan 14, 1495
Leonardo begins painting the "Last Supper"
At this point in his life he was ordered to paint the "Last Supper" by the Duke of Milan. The paniting shows how the expressions on the faces, the hand gesters and where the Apostles sat next to Jesus, this showed that Leonardo payed attention to detail. Unfourtunetly the technique that was used on the plaster wall caused the painting to fade and peel soon after it was done. ("Masters of Art Leonardo Da Vinci, Francesca, Romei, Page, 42) -
Jan 14, 1500
Leonardo returns to Florence
Leonardo returns to Florence, which is his homeland. This is another major point in his life because he spends almost the rest of his life here, even though he never retired, he spent his retirement years in Florence, every day he lived in florence never acted as retirement because he was always active and was createing and drawing new inventions every day.If you looked at his drawings, you would see that if they were bulit today you could see that most of them would work,Da Vinci was a genious. -
Jan 14, 1502
Leonardo begins working as a military engineer
He begins working for Cesare Borgia, the duke of Italy, he works on building war machines and new inventions for the battle field, also he designed and supervised many forts in central Italy. This led to his advanced drawings of a tank and machine gun. Another way this is important in his life is that this led to many of his future drawings and inventions that shape our world today.("Giants of Science, Philip Cane, Samuel Nisenson, Page, 23) -
Jan 15, 1502
Montezuma 2
Montezuma is crowned emperor of the Aztec empire, he is the ninth ruler crowned emperor. This is a very important time because this is the ending of the Aztec empire, the Aztec empire falls shortly after Montezuma's death.In 1519,When the Spanish came they took Montezuma hostage and they forced him to give up the riches in gold and silver. The Spanish later killed him and soon the rest of the empire.("Lifelines in World History, The Early Modern Age, Mounir A. Farah, Ph.D, Page 74) -
Jan 14, 1503
Leonardo paints the "Mona Lisa"
Leonardo paints this master piece of art, for the wife of a Florentine banker named Francesco del Giocondo. This is one of the most important events in his life becaruse it shows the time and effort that it took to create a masterpiece, also it showed the skill that Leonardo had for all of his works in every subject that he mastered. Still today there are many mysterys unknown about this painting that baffle Art Historians. It is still unknown about the
date of when it was compleated, 1503-1506. -
Jan 14, 1506
Leonardo returns to Milan
When he returns to Milan he works for a French patron, later the ex-duke of Milan drove the french out of town and Leo lost his job. He only stays in Milan for a short time because it has become a war torn city. This is another very important time in his life because during this short amount of time Leonardo didnt really accomplish much work,infact he was out of a job for a long time.("Masters of Art Leonardo Da Vinchi, Artist, Inventor and Scientist of The Renaissance, Francesca Romei,page,30) -
Jan 15, 1509
Henry The 8th
This is a significant date in History because this is the time that Henry became king of England, and soon his reign of tyranny begins. During his lifetime he married over 6 women that did not succeed in giving birth to a boy. His infulence changed the church by allowing a certin way of divorce called a Annul. ("World History", Patterns of Interactions, Roger,Beck,Linda,Black,Larry,Krieger,Phillip,Naylor,Dahia Ibo Shabaka.Page,431) -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther
This happens to be another important date in history because this is the date that Martin Luther Posted 95 formal statements Attacking the church, next the word got out and Luther became the most famous person in Germany. Later the Pope became very concerned with Luther to the point that he had to ask him to take his thoughts back. Soon more and more people made a lot of church's that did not acept the Pope's ways. ("World History,Patterns of Interactions,Rodger,Beck,Linda,Black,Larry,Krieger.) -
Jan 15, 1519
Hernando Cortez
Cortez raiding the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan is a major world event at this time because, the Aztec Empire is the largest empire in the New World, Cortez' men were greatly outnumbered by the Aztecs, they were still able to capture the Aztec king Montezuma 2. This is very important because if the Spanish were not able to capture Montezuma the world could possibly be a very different place today. Also the Spanish under the command of Cortez, they were able to plunder and raid the capital. -
Apr 23, 1519
Leonardo's final moments
When leonardo is at the age of 67 he makes a will to his most beloved studant named Francesco Melzi. What he passes on to him was the knowlage and the life skills that he taught him, also thousands of his drawings and paintings . In my opinion this is one of the most important times in this timeline because it shows the kindness and the selflessness that he gives to his studant,he gives him the most important gift, knowlage. -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo Da Vinci dies
He dies at the age of 67, hich was very old at that time. What he leaves behind is many important inventions that shape our world today. He studied nature throught his life and many scientists today still study nature to unlock its secrets and in order to create new inventions. ( picture is from "The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, page 1, by Jean Paul Richer, volume 1, Dover Publications, Inc, New York.)