Old leo

Leonardo da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Was Born

    Leonardo Was Born
    Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15th 1452. He was born into a family, that lived in a farmhouse in the hills of Tuscany, and was raised by his father as well as his stepmother. His home was located right beside the village of Anchiano, which is now present-day Italy. This event was beginning of Leonardo's successful life.(Biography.com Editors)
  • Jul 17, 1453

    The Hundreds Year War Ends

    The Hundreds Year War Ends
    The Hundred Years War was a long, strenuous quarrel that started 1337 and ended in 1453.The war started because the French and English both claimed the Duchy of Guyenne(history.com). The war finally ended at the battle of Castillon when Charles VII took control of the Guyenne. The conflict ended because the french troops were too powerful to be directly attacked and they were freed when the war ended(history.com).Although it was clear who won, their was never an official peace treaty documented.
  • Jan 1, 1466

    Beginning of the Apprenticeship

    Beginning of the Apprenticeship
    Leonardo Da Vinci had to learn to become the great artist he was before he could create his own personal methods. At 14 Leonardo had begun an apprenticeship with Andrea Del Verrocchio, a wonderful artist at the time. He worked with him for 10 years and learned how to perfect painting and sculpting techniques. This contributed to paintings, such as "The Last Supper" and the "Mona Lisa". We would not be talking about Da Vinci or his pieces, today if it were not for this event(Giunti 48).
  • Jan 1, 1473

    The Very First Drawing

    The Very First Drawing
    In 1473, Leonardo Da Vinci had released his very first piece. It was a black and white pen and ink drawing of a beautiful landscape in the Arno Valley(biography.com). The day of the Holy Virgin of the snows 5th August 1473, what was believed to be the first of his artwork, included Uffizi Florence(Finnan). Modern day Uffizi, Florence has a museum containing a room full of many of Da Vinci's astonishing works(Uffizi.org). This room holds what is his first piece, which is simple yet elegant.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Becoming A Man Of Independence

    Becoming A Man Of Independence
    When Leonardo Da Vinci set up his own studio, this was a large contribution to the world. Because of this event Leonardo could be his own master and focus on his art(biography.com). He also got many opportunities to paint such as when he was commissioned to make an altarpeice(Pala Byers 339). A ruler Lorenzo Medici commissioned Da Vinci to make a lyre made of silver(history.com). Leonardo Da Vinci has painted and sculpted pieces such as the lyre only due to his independence(Giunti 48).
  • Aug 22, 1485

    Battle Of Bosworth Feild

    Battle Of Bosworth Feild
    The Battle Of Bosworth Feild, also known as the last major battle of the War Of The Roses, occurred on august 22, 1485. This battle was fought between Richard III and Henry, Earl Of Richmond. King Richard was killed, specifically by Henry Tudor. King Richard's crown was then placed on King Henry VII head, symbolizing his victroy. The next year Henry married Elizabeth and this united the houses of Lancaster and York, and thus, beginning peace(history.com).
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Discovers America

    Columbus Discovers America
    Christopher Columbus discovers The Americas in 1492, along with the passengers of the Nina, Pinta as well as the Santa Maria. These boats sailed out of the Spanish ports, attempting to discover a western rout to the Indies. His plan failed, but instead found the Americas. Columbus saw water, greenery, and many fruits, wood and food of many kinds. As they landed they had declared the land for the king, and began to take over. This led to American/ English colonization(eyewitnesstohistory.com).
  • Jan 1, 1498

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    In 1498 Leonardo finished his Piece "The Last Supper", and took three years to complete. It was created for the city's monastery of Santa Mariz Grazie(History.com). "The Last Supper" was painted on dry wall of a monestary, and was a Fresco style painting(totallyhistory.com).This painting is of Jesus and his Disciples, having a religious feast. Lines of perspective that come straight from Christ’s head, which indicates that he is supposed to be the focal point of the painting(totallyhistory.com).
  • Jan 1, 1499

    The Invasion

    The Invasion
    In 1499 the French Army invaded Milan, Italy. Milan is where Da Vinci had been staying, and where he painted "The Last Supper", one of his most famous paintings. When the invasion took place the Sforza Family, the family in which he was staying with, had fled(Biography.com). Da Vinci decided for himself he would have to escape to Florence. There he painted "The Mona Lisa", another one of his prized pieces. With a group of his own disciples, Leonardo recalled back to Milan in 1506(history.com).
  • Jan 26, 1500

    Set Foot In Brazilian Soil

    Set Foot In Brazilian Soil
    Commander of the Nina, Vincent Yanez Pinzon becomes the very first European to set foot in Brazil, or even see the northeastern coast. After seeing this phenomenon he sailed even further in order to explore the Amazon River mouth. Permanent European settlement did not occur until the early 1530's, when the Portuguese gained control and began to colonize(history.com).
  • Jan 1, 1501

    The Heliocentric Theory

    The Heliocentric Theory
    Nicolas Copernicus, an intelligent mathematician as well as astronomer. Copernicus proved that Aristotle's theory of the sun being the center of the solar system, and all the planets would revolve the sun in a circular pattern was slightly incorrect in the 16th century. Instead of completely rounded, Copernicus found that the planets would actually travel on an elliptical, or oval path. He used his strenuous math skills to predict and prove this brilliant heliocentric theory(stanford.edu).
  • Jan 1, 1506

    The Mona Lisa

    The Mona Lisa
    Leonardo Da Vinci began painting his most famous piece, The Mona Lisa, in 1503, and completed in 1506. The painting was an oil based portrait of Lisa Gioconda, Francesco Gioconda's wife. The piece showed Da Vinci's singnature heavily, yet still soft shading. The painting has reached fame more because of the models aloof expression, not exactly a smile, yet still a slight smile. The Mona Lisa was also one of the very first paintings in which the model was in an imaginary background(davinci.net).
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Conquering of The Aztecs

    Conquering of The Aztecs
    In 1519, Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztects while invading Mexico. Cortez is one of the most famous conquistadors of Spain. Cortezs arrived is coincided with an important event for the aztects in which one of the gods, who was said to have created people, would arrive on the earth. The Spanish's pale skin fascinated the Aztecs, as well as their horses in which they rode. The Spanish began to attack the natives and eventually took their leader Montezuma hostage, taking control(livescience.com).
  • May 2, 1519

    Death Date

    Death Date
    Leonardo Da Vinci died on May second 1519 at the age of 67. He was buried in the palace Church of Saint Florentine in Amboise, France where his death took place (biography.com). The French Revolution had completely destroyed the church in which his remains are never to be pin pointed.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Soft Union

    Soft Union
    Leonardo Da Vinci had become an independent master of his artwork. He had received a church commission for an altarpiece called the Adoration of Magi(Paula K. Byers 339). He created a way of painting that used both linear perspective as well as perspective of clarity and color. Many artists before this would consider only linear perspective in their paintings(biography.yourdictionary.com). Although, after Leonardo, painters to this day use this genius method in their own beautiful masterpieces.
  • Beginning Of New Dicoveries

    Beginning Of New Dicoveries
    During the early 1490's Leonardo Da Vinci began to take notes and about mechanics, painting and human anatomy(history.com).Leonardo had many interests that influenced his broad topics of manuscripts. One of these notebooks contain a large flying mechanism based on a large bat. He even took notes and made observations about the human skeleton, brain and body systems. His discoveries helped people understand the human body, although they had very little influence n the scientific advancement.
  • A new Opportunity

    In 1516 Leonardo Da Vinci decided to leave Milan, Italy for good. He made this decision because King Francis offered him a job, specifically, "Premiere Painter and Engineer and Architect to the King"(biography.com). Of course, he could not pass up this opportunity. Leonardo would be payed to draw and paint as much as he pleased, and would also get to live in a country manor house, where he also soon later died. Leonardo's paintings of his final years shown he was not happy(history.com).