Jan 1, 1452
The Turks captured Constantinople and killed Constantine which ended the Byzantine Empire. This event is significant because the Ottoman Turks were a large group of warriors and if the Byzantine Empire did not end, the world would still be in an absolute monarchy. -
Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci is born in a small town called Vinci to Ser Piero, a notary and Catalina, a peasant woman on April 15, 1452. The couple was not married which led to Leonardo being illegitimate and had to live with his father. This event is significant becuase when Leonardo lived with his father, he caught on to what he did and that led him to becoming a greatcraftsman.
(McLanathan, 9)
(McLanathan 9) -
Jan 1, 1474
William Caxton
William Caxton prints the first book in English in the year 1474. The book is called the "The Ecuyell of the Histories of Troy." Caxton began to translate the book in French, however, he did not know much French and only translated the words he knew. This event is significant because if books had not been translated into english, then the Englishmen would not know what is going on in books and in history.
(William Caxton) -
Jan 1, 1480
+ and - Come into the World
Nicole Oresme's manuscripts from the 15th century show what may be one of the earliest uses of the plus sign "+". In Europe in the early 15th century the letters "P" and "M" were generally used. The symbols (P with line p̄ for più, i.e., plus, and M with line m̄ for meno, i.e., minus) appeared for the first time in Luca Pacioli’s mathematics compendium, Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalità, first printed and published in Venice in 1494
(Livio) -
Jan 1, 1480
Aerial Screw (cont.)
things that a helicopter could do.
(McLanathan, 34) -
Jan 1, 1480
Aerial Screw
The Aerial Screw is one of Leonardo's inventions that will graetly impact the world. Created in 1480, Leonardo drew it and tested with little fabric and a paper clip. although he had almost 39 years to test a full scale model, he never did. The creation of this is important because this led to the invention of the helicopter in 1861 by Gustave de Ponton d'Am'court. without helicopters, we wouldnt have medi flights, and we couldnt get troops to where they needed to go, along with many other -
Jan 1, 1483
Leonardo sketched this design for a parachute in 1483. He suggested what size would be needed to allow a person to fall from a high elevation and land on the ground safely. However, no one knows if he actually tested a full scale model. If Leonardo had not have made the design for the parachute where would we be now? So many people use parachutes like the military and skydivers. Without the parachute we wouldnt have a fun way to drop in.
(Richter,339) -
Jan 1, 1490
Vitruvian Man
The Virtuvian Man was created to show the concept of equal proportions which help to identify the fact that human beings are perfect. People have said that this helps to illustrate how we are spiritual beings having a material experience. It paid respect to the Roman architect Vitruvius, on whos ideas
and notes concerning human proportion This creation is important because it has to do with geometery of human proportion. Without this drawing, we couldnt have a total grip on anatomy.
(Justin) -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other late 15th-century voyagers. This is significant because this treay split up the power between Spain and Portugal, and the lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain
(Koeller) -
May 27, 1495
The Last Supper
The Last Supper was finished on May 27 1485. The friars of Snata Maria delle Grazie ordered The Last Supper to be painted to sit in their dining hall. It took Leonardo 3 years to complete. The painting is important becuase it brings a lot of attention to theologist, the systematic study of Christian revelation concerning God's nature and purpose.
(The Last Supper) -
Jan 1, 1502
First Watch
The first portable timepiece was invented in Nuremberg by Peter Henlein in 1504. The watch is called the Nuremberg Egg, because it was made in Nuremberg and it looks like an egg. This watch was created becuase there was a absence on ones wrist and the watch has come a long way since. The watch has been apart of our fashion for about 250 years.
(Evans) -
Jan 1, 1509
Slave Trade Begins
The Triangular Slave Trade, the trading of slaves between 1500 and the mid 1800. It is also known as the Transatlantic Slave Trade. the Slave Trade targeted strictly on African men, wome and children and was around three countries: Portugal, US, Britain, Spain and Nigeria among others.
(Martins) -
Jan 1, 1513
Properties of Mirrors
The mirror is one to study because it works in mysterious ways. Two properties that Leonardo studied were reflection is one to one replica of the object and thats why we get mirror images opposite to actual objects and mirrors are used in changing the direction of light in a desired direction in various instruments. If Leonardo had not have studied mirrors, we might have stopped making them, either because we didnt know how they worked, or the way to make them would get lost in history. -
Jan 1, 1516
Painter, Architect, and Mecanic to the King
The Kings of France discovered Leonardo da Vinci’s talents during the Italian wars, and called on him. Through drawings, studies and major works, the exhibition shows two great periods of this fascinating relationship: the Milan period (1507-1513), and and the French period at the Château du Clos Lucé (1516-1519) The king wanted him because he saw how great of a worker he was. This point in his life really changed his live, and also led him to his death. -
Dec 4, 1517
Mona Lisa Finished
The Mona Lisa is what Leonardo is mostley famous for. The painting is supposedly of the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. There are many misteries of this painting like "why is she smiling?' Only Leonardo knows. This event is significant because it is one of the most known paintings ever created. If the Mona Lisa had not been painted, it would not affect how we live on a day to day basis. we would still get up and go to work with no problem.
(McLanathan, 73) -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519 in Cloux, France. When Leonardo died, he left behind many great inventions that will help the world grow into what it is today. Loenardo da Vinci is believably the most influencial being to ever had lived. He has made many drawing on machines and how they are today, such as the tank and the helicopter.
(McLanathan, 14