Leonardo da Vinci

By SparksS
  • Apr 15, 1452


    Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy 1452 april 15. While he was growing up he liked to were pink.Lenardo lived in palace, his parents were rich and never spent time with leonardo.His parents had a divorce so his father decided to merry a servant girl named Caterina. leonardo's father's name is Ser Piero da Vinci. They were all called the Vinci's since they were rich and leonardo was called LEO.While leo was growing up he would ask really good questions.He also wanted to learn new things.
  • Jun 9, 1453

    Leonardo went to study with Adrea del Verrochio

    Leonardo went to study with Adrea del Verrochio and learned science, architect, music, sculpturing,inventor and math.These are things that his father wanted him to study so he did.
  • Aug 26, 1464

    Leonardo starts to work

    Leonardo started to work as sculpture and painter he really felt that he was a grown up man now.
  • Dec 28, 1469

    Writing notebooks

    leonardo da vinci wrote in his last notebook that he loved horses and horses inspired him to paint.
  • Aug 30, 1478


    Leonardo wasnt called leo eny more he was a grown up man now he had his own studio in Florence. Leonardo started to paint the ludge it took him a pretty long time
  • May 27, 1515


    Leonardo da Vinci had finnished the ludge and started the Monalisa it took him 3 or 4 years.
  • Sep 1, 1516


    The king had invited leonardo da Vinci to his castle so then he could he the first man to work as sculpture, architect and enginner of the king.
  • May 2, 1519


    Leonardo da Vinci had died in the kings castle and gave the monalisa to the king of france he was 67 years old. I hope you remmeber him as the wolds greatest painter.