My parents actually got to sort of pick my birthday because I was a C-section. My father, mother and grandmother were at the hospital when I was born. My parents said it was very emotional but a life changing moment. -
Period: to
first trip to florida
I have been to Florida many times, but my first time my parents drove us there and I dont remember most of it because I was about 2 years old. But we went to Disneyland and looking back I'm surprised I wasnt scared of the people in Disney character costumes because they looked pretty scary. I also got to go into the ocean for my first time which apparently I loved. -
parents divorce
My parents seperated when I was about 3 years old. I dont remember much of my parents being together because I was so young but I would rather them be apart and happy than together and fight all the time. So I look at the divorce in a postive way; plus, I get two Christmas', two birthdays, two rooms, basically double everything. But it does get very stressful sometimes but I've learned to just deal with it. -
brother left home
I can't go into much detail as to the reason why my brother left but this was a very hard time for me. My brother and I have a 15 year age gap, but we have always been so close. He left for a while and came home again many times. I was really sad when he kept leaving because at times when I felt like I needed him, there was no way for me to contact him, and he was basically the only one who I wanted help from because he understood what I was going through. -
first day if school
I think this is actually really funny because I dont remember my 1st day, but my parents told me that they took off of work that day to watch me get on the bus. They said that as soon as the bus pulled up I just got on it and started talking to people and I didnt even say goodbye or wave. I was too excited I guess. -
first dance recital
I stareted dance in kindergarten when I was 5. I did ballet and tap (later on I did hip hop). I loved my first recital because of the costumes and makeup. It brought out the girly side of me. I had so much fun and my family took me out to lunch and bought me flowers as a congratulations. -
quit taekwondo
I started taekwondo when I was really little and I loved it until I had to start actually hitting people. I didn't like the amount of physical contact so I quit. I guess you can say I dont like to fight. -
moved into new house
After my parents seperated, my dad and I lived with my grandmother for a few years until my dad got back up on his feet. So when he did, we moved to Putnam Lake in 2011, which is also my current house. We had to do so much updating and renovations on the house because it was in such bad condition, but I am so proud of how far we've come. -
most embarsing moment of my life
I really have no idea why this was the most embarassing moment of my life but I was at a school chorus concert. At the end of the concert I fell on stage and started crying and just ran off the stage to my mom. Looking back I dont know why I didnt just get up and continue but I was little so maybe thats why. Everyone was laughing and staring and it just made me so uncomfertable. -
first niece born
My first niece, Sabrina, was born when I was in 5th grade. I remember getting picked up from school one day, and my mom and I rushed to the hospital to see her and it was one of the most amazing moments of my life. She is 6 now, almost 7, and I'm so thankful that through evrything our family has gone through I was still able to be there for her and become her role model. -
sprained my ankle
I was playing Badminton in my cousin's backyard and I jumped up to hit the birdie and when I landed, I twisted my ankle. I fell to the ground and I was crying so hard because of the pain. My dad carried me to the truck and took me to the doctor. We then found out my ankle was sprained and I had to use crutches and a brace for a few weeks. -
second niece born
My second niece, Vanessa, was born when I was in 7th grade. I got to see her when she and her mom came home from the hospital and this day was also one of the best I've had. She's 5 now, and over the passed few years I've become so close with her as well, and we bond by doing makeup and playing dressup together. -
got my dog
One day I was really bored so my mom drove me to the puppy pound. Prior to this, my mom never wanted a dog because it was "too much work." But we love animals so sometimes we like to go see them, so thats what we decided to do. But this day was different. We saw these adorable little puppies, all siblings. So we took them each for a walk one by one. But the last dog we took for a walk was so different. We just connected with him. So, we decided to adopt him at that moment. -
fell off beam at gymnastics competition
This moment was so disappointing for me and my team. I was doing my routine and for one of y harder skills, i fell off the beam. I was so upset but I took a deep breath, and I got back on and continued my routine. I ended up doing pretty well and I came in 2nd place all around. -
hurt myself in gymnastics
moved again
I lived with my mom in Brewster until I was 14. We had to move because we couldnt afford our house anymore, but I love the house we live in now because it has a pool and a loft. It's a two family house and we rent it, so it is cheaper than owning a house. My mom is really starting to get back on her feet again since we moved in two years ago. -
first job
I was searching for a job for so long and finally got one at Deciccos. Within the first 2 months of me working there, I got promoted to customer service. I've been working there for about 10 months and I just recently got another promotion to office. I am so happy and proud of myself for how far I have come in my job. -
online distance learning started
This was a very hard switch for me because it was so sudden. Also, my job started to have me work for 8 hours a day, every day, and I barely had any time for school, so I cut my hours. Online learning was really hard for me to adapt to because I am the kind of person who has to see and hear something to learn it, so just watching videos and reading isn't enough for me. Im still adapting but I'm getting better. -
got my lisence
This day was so exiting for me. I had been waiting for what seemed like forever to get my lisence. I passed my test on the first try with only 10 points taken off. My parents were so proud of me and that day, I drove my neighbor around and we had so much fun. It was like a whole new amount of freedom.