1750 BCE
Code of Hammurabi
From 1792 to 1750 BCE King Hammurabi lived in Babylon and ruled the Mesopotamia area. In 1750 BCE King Hammurabi created the first written down laws and made them public so everyone could see. These laws were engraved into a stone and consisted of 282 laws and their specific punishments.Social status was very important in these times and your social status could determine your punishment. Equal punishment only existed when both parties were of equal rank. -
1750 BCE
Code of Hammurabi Part 2
The punishments for these laws were built in the sense of the saying "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." This meant that whatever you did you someone (like assault) the same thing would get done to you as your punishment. An example of this would would be, " If a man builds a house badly and it falls and kills the owner , the builder is to be killed. If the owners son is to be killed then the builders son is to be killed." -
1750 BCE
Code of Hammurabi part 3
There were both pros and cons about the aspect of the Code of Hammurabi. The pros include That it fist sparked the idea of writing down laws and their punishment, and also they were made public. The cons include that the punishments were cruel and unfair, the punishments were not equal, and also the king was above the law. The code of Hammurabi had a huge impact on our current legal system, because all our laws are written down and public, and they all have specific punishments. -
Justinian Code
Emperor Justinian was the Byzantine Emperor around the time of 550CE. He realized that the old Roman laws were problematic so he ordered legal experts to change some of the old to make new laws that increased people's rights. This was a basis for Criminal justis, Marriage, Property, Slavery and Women's rights. The Justinian Code had four parts.
The Law Code: Got rid of old bad laws and kept good ones, as well as making new laws.
The Digest: Summarized the opinions about laws. -
Justinian Code part 2
The Institutes: Textbook with instructions about the laws.
The Novellae: New laws that were passed.
An example of a case from the Justinian times is: "Petronia received the present of a young slave boy for her 40th birthday from her brother. Now, on her 45th birthday, it is discovered that the boy's mother was stolen from her owner, Taurus, while she was still pregnant with the boy. Should Petronia be allowed to keep the slave boy?" -
Justinian Code part 3
Some of the pros about the aspect of the Justinian Code includes the fact that it gave a start to equality in rights, including a big impact on women's rights. Some cons about the aspect of the Justinian Code include, that the Emperor was above the law and had absolute power. The Justinian code had a Major impact on our current legal system, because our legal system is based on equality no matter the race, gender, age and so on, and this was started by the Justinian Code. -
King William introduced a Feudal system into Europe in 1066 CE. The feudal system was built of hierarchy, so the king owned all of the land and he split it up between lords. These lords had their own vessels. The lords could punish their vessels however they felt which led to inconsistent punishments. King William realized that this was a problem so he appointed judges to travel around and decide cases, which were decided the same way. This created Common Law. -
Feudalism part 3
Some cons of feudalism include, the fact that the King was above the law, the laws weren't fully equal for people like slaves.
Feudalism had a few major aspects that impacted our current legal system. The use of judges are still in affect, and the idea of Compuragation evolved into the jury system in today's current legal system. -
Feudalism part 2
If a case was hard to decide the judge would sometimes order a new trial that is determined by god. This was called Trial by Ordeal.
Some examples of trial by ordeal are Trial by combat which was a fight to the death and if you won you were innocent. A big one is Compurgation, which was when a group of 11 people would get together and decide together.
Some pros of the feudalism aspect were the fact that judges were created, and Compuragation was created which led to today's jury system. -
Magna Carta
King John who was the king of England ruled from 1199 to 1216. At this time there was an important development in England law. The king thought he was above the law & abused the power of being king. English nobility forced King John to sign the Magna Carta in 1215. The Magna Carta recognized the principle of the rule of law, which means that law applies equally to everyone. Also no ruler could restrict the freedoms of the people without reason, and the peoples legal rights could not be changed. -
Magna Carta part 3
- but the Habeas Corpus made it that they need a reason to lock them up and they would get trialed quickly. some pros of the Magna Carta is that the rule of law was created and as well as the Habeas Corpus was created. I do not feel as if there were any negative aspects to the Magna Carta being signed. The Magna Carta is still functioning in our current legal system, so nobody is above the law and trials happen relatively fast for the accused.
Magna Carta part 2
The people's legal rights could not be hanged without their consent. The Magna Carta also guaranteed the the Habeus Corpus, which meant that any person who imprisoned had to appear before the courts within a reasonably fast time. The accused could also be released if held in lawfully, or could be tried by peers is they were charged with an offence. Before the Habeas Corpus kings would abuse thier power and lock people up without a trial or strong reason. -
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
In 1982 Pierre Trudeau introduced The Charter of Rights and Freedoms to Canada. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms because the Bill of rights wasn't strong enough. The Charter was introduced into the constitution and it applied to every level of government and could only be changed if an amending formula was followed. The Charter guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free democratic society. -
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms part 2
The Charter is made up of classed groups that include, Fundamental Freedoms, Democratic Rights, Mobility Rights, Legal Rights, Equality Rights, Official, Languages of Canada, Minority Language Educational Rights, Enforcement, General, Application of Charter, and Citation. The Charters main purpose is to ensure equality in Canadian citizens lives for all of their rights and freedoms. The Canadian Charter of Rights helps keep peace between the government and Canadian citizens. -
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms part 3
The Charter helps keep peace between the government and citizens because it ensures the government can't use their position to violate their rights.
The Charter states that everyone has the following freedoms, Freedom of conscience and religion, Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication, Freedom of peaceful assembly, and Freedom of association. -
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms part 5
The Charter of Rights And Freedoms has a ginormous impact on today's current legal system. The Charter is still in place and is the main part of out legal system. It is has the most impact on our current legal system because it is a combination of every main foundation in the history of law, and is the best for the protection of Canadians. -
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms part 4
The many pros about the Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms include that it ensures that every Canadian citizens has the exact same rights and freedoms no matter their race, religion, age, and so on. It also keeps peace between the government and people of Canada. It is stronger than the Bill of Rights, and it protects all Canadians equally. I don't feel as if there were any negative aspects to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.