
Latin American revolutions

  • Start of the Haitian Revolutions

    Start of the Haitian Revolutions
    In August 14th, 1791, the slaves in plantations rose up against their white masters and killed them even the wife and kids. The slaves were led by Toussaint L'Ouverture and later on in the Revolution they were led by Jean-Jacques Dessalines. The Creoles led the revolution but the slaves did more of the killing. The revolution started by the Creoles who wanted to be in the first class instead of being in second and the slaves help them with that.
  • End of the Haitian Revolution

    End of the Haitian Revolution
    The Revolution end in January 1st. The slaves declare independence from the French. The revolution was successful because they got their independence from French. Saint Domingue became the first free African American colony.
  • Start of the Mexican Revolution

    Start of the Mexican Revolution
    Indians and Mestizos led the Mexican revolution. September 16, 1810 Miguel Hidalgo led the revolution. The Indians and Mestizos went to the church after they met there to go to the city of Mexico and lost to the spain army but kept on fighting for their independence. They had a lot of battles but they eventually won.
  • Start of the South American Revolution

    Start of the South American Revolution
    In August, 1819, The Creoles led the revolution they were trying to get independence from spain. The men who led the revolution was Simon Bolivar and Jose de san Martin. A lot of young Creoles go to Europe to get their education and when they come back they have the ideas of revolution. So when they came back they were thinking about starting a revolution because they didn't like how the government was run.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    The war ended in 1821. They got their independence from spain. They finally got their freedom that they wanted. Yes it was a success because they got their independence from spain.
  • Start of the Brazilian Revolution

    Start of the Brazilian Revolution
    The War started in 1822. The Creoles led the revolution but Dom Pedro actually was the leader. Brazil wanted their freedom from Portugal and Dom Pedro help them the son of King John. Dom Pedro was left behind because he wanted to stay.
  • End of the Brazilian Revolution

    End of the Brazilian Revolution
    On September 9th, 1822 the war ended. Brazil got their independence from Portugal. They finally got their freedom they wanted from portugal. Yes the revolution was a success because Dom pedro did a good job on leading them to their freedom.
  • End of the South America revolution

    End of the South America revolution
    December 9, 1824 the revolution ended. The Creoles was successful at getting their independence from spain. The effects of them getting their independence is that they became free and slaves no longer had to do work. Yes the revolution was a success because they won their freedom.