Latin american revolutions

Latin American Revolutions

  • The start of the Haitian Revolution

    The start of the Haitian Revolution
    The way the Haitian Revolution started was because the slaves had motivation to break from their masters. The social classes that participated was the slaves. The leaders were Toussaint L'ouverture and Jean-Jacques.
  • The end of the Haitian Revolution

    The end of the Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian fought against the French. The Revolution ended when Haiti declared their independence. The Revolution was a success because Haiti got their Independence.
  • The start of the Mexican Revolution

    The start of the Mexican Revolution
    The way the Mexican revolution started was because Miguel and Jose fought for Mexico's Independence.The social classes that participated were the Mixed. The leaders of the revolution were Miguel and Jose.
  • The start of the south american revolution

    The start of the south american revolution
    The way the south american revolution started was because Bolivar led an army in a series of victories against the Spanish. The social classes that participated were the the creoles. The leaders of the revolution were Bolivar and Jose.
  • The end of the Mexican Revolution

    The end of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution fought against the Spanish. The Revolution ended when Bolivar freed the countries and declared independence. The Revolution was successful because Bolivar freed one country after another and he declared independence.
  • The end of the south american revolution

    The end of the south american revolution
    The South American Revolution fought against the Spanish. The Revolution ended when once he freed all the countries one by one. The Revolution was a success because countries got freed.