latin american revolution time line

  • Start of the Haitian revolution

    Start of the Haitian revolution
    In August 1791 100,000 enslaves africans rose and revolt. A leader soon emerge. which was Toussaint L'Ouverture. formerly enslaved ,Toussaint, L'Ouverture was on familiar with military and diplomatic matters .even though he rose to become a skilled general and diplomat.
  • End of the haitian Revolution

    End of the haitian Revolution
    The Haitian revolution ended on january 1 1804 general dessalines declared the colony an independent country. It was the first black colony to free itself from europe control. dassalines then decide to called the country haiti .
  • The start of the Brazil revolution

    The start of the Brazil revolution
    In 1807 Napoleon armies invaded both Spain and Portugal napoleons troops approached Lisbon the Portuguese capital . Then the royal family boarded ships to escape capture
  • start of the mexican Revolution

    start of the mexican Revolution
    in 1810 padre Miguel Hidalgo was a priest in the small village of dolores . who took the first step towards independence Hildalgo was poor but well educate and he wanted to make a difference he firmly believed in Enlightenment.
  • The start of the Southern revolution

    The start of the Southern revolution
    The Southern revolution began when Simon Bolivar native Venezuela declared its independence from pain in 1811. But the struggle for independence has only begun. Bolivar's volunteer army of revolutionaries suffered numerous defeats .
  • The end of the Mexican revolution

    The end of the Mexican revolution
    The end of the Mexican revolution ended on 1821 because mexico feared the loss of their privileges in the spanish -controlled colony . so they united in support of mexico's independence from spain . Agustin de Iturbide- the man who had defeated the rebel padre morelos which was the one that proclaimed independence on 1821
  • The end of the Brazil revolution

    The end of the Brazil revolution
    On September 7, 1822 he officially declared Brazil’s independence. Brazil had won its independence in a bloodless revolution. Mean while the ideas of the French Revolution and the after math of the napoleonic wars were causing upheaval in Europe
  • The end of the southern revolution

    The end of the southern revolution
    on december 9 1824 . In this last major battle of the war for independence . the spanish colonies in latin america won their freedom . The future countries of Venezuela ,Colombia