Latin american revolution

  • The start of the haitian revolution

    The start of the haitian revolution
    The haitian revolution began when african slaves in haiti rose up against their french masters in order to gain their freedom. The classes that were fighting was the slaves.Tousant L´ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines were the leaders.
  • The end of the haitian revolution

    The end of the haitian revolution
    The Haitian fought france. The revolution was successful because they got their independence and slavery ended.
  • The mexican revolution.

    The mexican revolution.
    This revolution began because padre miguel hidalgo firmly believed in enlightement ideals. The classes that participated was indians,Mestizos, and peasants. There were two leaders that were miguel Hidalgo and jose maria morelos.
  • The south american revolution

    The south american revolution
    The revolution of south began because from only bolivar volunteer army of revolutronaries suffered numerous defeats. Twice bolivar had to go to exile. The class from encomienda that led the revolution was the creoles. The two leaders were simon bolivar and jose de san martin.
  • The end of the mexican revolution

    The end of the mexican revolution
    The fought against spain.Yes this revolution was successful because there enemy was defeated that was Miguel Hidalgo
  • Start of the brazil revolution

    Start of the brazil revolution
    The revolution began because padre miguel Hidalgo firmly believed in enlightement indeals.The class that fought them was the creoles. The two leader that participated was king john and dom pedro.
  • The end of the brazil revolution

    The end of the brazil revolution
    The fought against portugal. The revolution was successful because Hidalgo was defeated. Then mexico won the independence.
  • The end of the south american revolution

    The end of the south american revolution
    The south fought spain.The revolution was successful because they took the spanish army in bogota completely by surprise and won a decisive victory.