Latin American revolution

  • The start of the Haitian Revolution

    The Revolution began because the American revolution encouraged their revolt. The slaves were also treated terribly, and was led by the African slaves. Their leaders were Toussaint L'overture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
  • The end of the Haitian Revolution

    The revolution was a success because they got their independance and slavery ended.
  • The Start of Mexican Revolution

    The revolution started with hidalgo seeking independants; not only for himself, but for his people as well. The revolution was lead by the Mestizos, their leaders were miguel Hidalgo Jose Maria Morelos.
  • The beginning of the South american Revolution

    The Creoles thought about starting a revolution when they got back to Latin America from europe. Because they had no freedom. They were led by Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin.
  • The End of the Mexican Revolution

    In the end they got their independence, but ironically independence was claimed by Agustin Iturbide.
  • The start of the Brazilian Revolution

    It began with Napoleon's armies taking over and or invading Spain and Portugal. The revolution was led by Dom Pedro, and the Creoles.
  • The End of the Brazilian Revolution

    It ended with hardly any bloodshed at all. The Brazilians won their Independence in the end.
  • The End of the South American Revolution

    In the end, Latin America Won their freedom.