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Latin American Revolution

  • The Start Of The Haitian Revolution

    The Start Of The Haitian Revolution
    The way the Revolution started was when the slaves or haiti rose up against their masters. The social classes that participated in were slaves . The leader of the revolution was Toussant L, Ouverture .
  • the end of the hatian war.

    the end of the hatian war.
    the haitians fought against the french. the revolution ended when Toussaint had took control of the island and freed all of the slaves.
    The revolution was successful because Toussaint ended up freeing all of the African slaves
  • The beginning of the South American war

    The beginning of the South American war
    The way the revolution started was when general Bolivar took the Spaniards by suprise and he also took the win in a decisive victory.The social class that participated was the creoles and the Spanish. The leaders of the revolution was Simon Bolivar and Jose Del San Martin.
  • The beginning of the Mexican war

    The beginning of the Mexican war
    The way the revolution started was when the Mexicans called rebellion on the spanish. The mexicans gathered their church for this. Jose maria morelos lead this revolution. Jose lead this revolution to stop the invasion and stop being controlled by the spaniards.
  • The end of the Mexican revolution

    The end of the Mexican revolution
    The Mexicans fought against the Spaniards. The revolution ended when in 1820 the Spaniards had a liberal group that also had lots of power. after that the Mexicans united in the support of the Spaniards for their independence. The revolution was not successful because the Spaniards ended up defeating Morelos and the Mexicans ended up giving the independence to the Spaniards.
  • The beginning of the Brazilian revolution.

    The beginning of the Brazilian revolution.
    The way the revolution started was when Brazil ask for their independence. the social classes that participated was the slaves.the leaders was Prince John.
  • the end of the Brazilian revolution.

    the end of the Brazilian revolution.
    The Brazilians fought with the French. The revolution ended when the Brazilians signed a petition and won their independence. The revolution was successful because they ended up getting their independence.
  • The end of the South American war.

    The end of the South American war.
    The South Americans fought the Spaniards. The revolution ended when the South Americans defeated the Spanish in the battle of Ayacucho. The battle was successful because they ended up defeating the Spanish and the Latin Americans won their freedom.