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Latin American Revolution

  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution started in August 1791 when 100,000 enslaved Africans rose. The leader of the Toussaint LÓuveture was formerly enslaved himself. In 1801 Toussaint had control of the entire island, a year later French troops came to remove Toussaint from power he agree to stop the revolution if the French ended slavery.
  • End of the Haitian Revolution

    End of the Haitian Revolution
    Later on, the French accused him of planning another uprising so they sent Toussaint to prison. He stayed there until he died in April 1803. Toussaint lieutenant Jean-Jacques declared Haiti independence on January 1, 1804
  • South American Revolution

    South American Revolution
    The South American Revolution started in 1808 when Napoleon removed Spain's King Ferdinand VII, Napoleon put his brother Joseph as king. Many creoles felt no loyalty towards a king imposed by the French. Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin were the leaders of the revolution.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution started on September 16, 1810, the revolution was lead by Indians and Mestizos. Miguel Hidalgo took the first step towards independence. He lead an army of 80,000 men to go against the Spanish and the creoles, the army defeated Hidalgo in 1811. Later on, Jose Maria Morelos led the revolution.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    In 1815 a creole officer defeated Jose Maria Morelos. In 1820 when a revolution in Spain put a liberal group in power there, the creoles feared the loss of their privileges so they united in support of Mexicos independence from Spain.
  • End of South American Revolution

    End of South American Revolution
    Simon Bolivar's army suffered numerous defeats and Bolivar had been exile twice. But in August 1819 led over 2,000 soldiers going through the Andes which is now Colombia, coming from this direction he took the Spanish by surprise and won. By 1821 Bolivar had von Venezuela's independence.
  • Brazilian Revolution

    Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian Revolution started in 1822 when creoles demanded Brazil's independence from Portugal. Eight thousand Brazilians signed a petition asking Dom Pedro to rule.
  • The end of the Brazilian Revolution

    The end of the Brazilian Revolution
    Dom Pedro agreed to rule and on September 7, 1822, he officially declared Brazil's independence. Brazil had won in a bloodless revolution.