
Latin American Independence

  • Napoleon names king of Spain

    Napoleon names king of Spain
    Napoleon imprisoned Charles IV and his son Ferdinand VII and forced them to abdicate in his favor. Then, he named his brother, José Bonaparte, king of Spain.
  • Declaration of Independence in Ecuador

    Declaration of Independence in Ecuador
    The citizens of Quito were the first in Latin America to rebel and declare independence.
  • Independence of Latin America continue

    Independence of Latin America continue
    After Quito proclaim a goverment of its own, on 1810 some other countries proclaimed their independence
  • Caracas Independence

    Caracas Independence
    The establishment of the Supreme Caracas Junta following the forced deposition of Vicente Emparan as Captain General of the Captaincy General of Venezuela on 19 April 1810, marked the beginnings of the war.
  • Buenos Aires Independence

    Buenos Aires Independence
    The Argentine War of Independence was fought from 1810 to 1818 by Argentine patriotic forces under Manuel Belgrano, Juan José Castelli and José de San Martín against royalist forces loyal to the Spanish crown. On July 9, 1816, an assembly met in San Miguel de Tucumán, declared full independence with provisions for a national constitution.
  • Bogota Independence

    Bogota Independence
    The Colombian Declaration of Independence refers to the events of July 20, 1810, in Santa Fe de Bogota, in the Spanish colonial Viceroyalty of New Granada. They resulted in the establishment of a Junta de Santa Fe that day. The experience in self-government eventually led to the creation of the Republic of Colombia.
  • The riot of August 2 1810

    The riot of August 2 1810
    The riot of August 2, 1810, was a citizen revolt that occurred in Quito, in which a group of patriots attacked the Royal Barracks of Quito with the intention of freeing the heroes who had participated the previous year in the First Government Junta Autonomous of Quito. The Quito people committed a major assault but the royalist authorities responded by executing the prisoners. 300 people lost their lives in the fray.
  • Mexico scream of Independence

    Mexico scream of Independence
    The Cry of Dolores occurred in Dolores, Mexico, on 16 September 1810, when Roman Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang his church bell and gave the call to arms that triggered the Mexican War of Independence.
    Every year on the eve of Independence Day, the President of Mexico re-enacts the cry from the balcony of the National Palace in Mexico City, while ringing the same bell Hidalgo used in 1810.
  • Santiago de Chile Independence

    Santiago de Chile Independence
    The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean Criollo peoples seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist creoles supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire.
  • Peru Independence

    Peru Independence
    The Peruvian Independence was composed of a series of military conflicts in Peru beginning with viceroy Abascal military reconquest in 1811 in the battle of Guaqui, continuing with the definitive defeat of the Spanish Army in 1824 in the battle of Ayacucho, and culminating in 1826 with the Siege of Callao.
  • Guatemala Independence

    Guatemala Independence
    Guatemala with its provinces declared its independence from the Spanish Crown and, shortly after, annexed Mexico to defend itself better from Spain. One year later, Guatemala and its provinces formed an independent state.
  • Mexico Independence

    Mexico Independence
    Mexico proclaimed independence in 1821, but only when Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana was proclaimed president of the Republic in 1833 Spain only recognized Mexican independence in 1836.
  • The civil war (1838-1840)

    The civil war (1838-1840)
    After Guatemala Independence, local oligarchies promoted separation. This led to a civil war, in which Guatemala could not prevail.
  • Puerto Rico Independence

    Puerto Rico Independence
    On September 23, 1868, the scream of Lares, of independence against Spain, was produced. Puerto Rico continues within the Spanish system until the war between EE. UU and Spain. Puerto Rico happens to be administered by EE. UU. It is not an idependent country
  • Independence of Cuba

    Independence of Cuba
    The Cuban Independence was the last of three liberation wars that Cuba fought against Spain, the other two being the Ten Years' War and the Little War . The final three months of the conflict escalated to become the Spanish–American War, with United States forces being deployed in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippine Islands against Spain.