latin America Revolution

  • Haiti

    The leader for Haiti revolution is Toussaint L'Ouverture and the part of the Encomienda system this person came from is African. The people revolted becuase they did not want to be slave
  • Haiti

    The country they fought was French. The revolution was successful because they won the revolution and they became the first black colony to free them self from European control.
  • Mexico

    The Mexico revolution leader were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos. The part of the Encomienda system those persons were creoles. the people revolted becacuse they did not want to lose their property.
  • Mexico

    The country they fought was Spanish. The revolution was successful because they got the property and they won the fight and got there independence.
  • Brazil

    The leader revolution for Brazil is Dom Pedro, The part Encomienda systm these person was is Spaniard. they revolted because they did not want to become a colony again.
  • Brazil

    The country Brazil fought was Portuguese. the revolution was successful because thy did not came a colony and they did not have to fight.