
Latin America Independence Processes

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Spaniards come to America

    Spaniards come to America
  • Aug 24, 1493

    Colonization time

    Colonization time
  • May 11, 1499

    Appointment of America

    Appointment of America
    America was named in honor of Americo Vespucio
  • 1st Cry for independence in Latin America

    1st Cry for independence in Latin America
    Haiti was the first Latin country to become independent and the second in all of America
  • 1st cry in the South

    1st cry in the South
    In South America the first cry would be in Paraguay
  • Jose de San Martin

    (the date placed is the cry of the independence of Argentina) This hero helped Chile, Peru and Argentina in their independence
  • Argentine independence

    Argentine independence
    The "Gauchos" became independent in 1816
  • Chilean Independence

    Chilean Independence
    Athough it was confirmed by Spain in 1844
  • The great Colombia

    The great Colombia
    It was the union between Colombia, Panama, Venezuela and Ecuador, born before the independence of Ecuador and Venezuela
  • Colombian Independence

    Official history tells that on July 20, 1810, an altercation between Creoles and officials of the Spanish Crown for the loan of a vase resulted in a popular revolt that began the independence process in Colombia, which ended on August 7, 1819. .
  • Mexico in freedom

    Mexico in freedom
    Mexico in the first instance would be an empire which would change the Republic in 1823
  • Independence of Brazil

    Independence of Brazil
    Independent in one of its most important cities Sao Paulo
  • Independence of Venezuela

    Independence of Venezuela
    It started in 1810 but it became concrete in 1823
  • Independence of Peru

    Independence of Peru
    It was one of the last independences in all of Latin America
  • Simon Bolivar

    (the date is the independence of Ecuador) Liberating hero in Ecuador, Colombia etc.