Latin America Independence process timeline.

  • Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano.

    Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano.
    Job made by David Segarra, 9th D.
    Teacher: Hugo Cordero.
    Subject: Social Studies
  • Haiti Independence.

    Haiti Independence.
    In 1803, Jean Jacques Dessalines finally defeated the French in 1804, declared the independence of Haiti. It was, thus, the second independent country in America, in this case, led by blacks.
    In 1822, Haitian troops subdued the eastern part of the island of Hispaniola, which would regain its independence from Haiti in 1844. But what will be called the Dominican Republic will not achieve independence from Spain until 1865, after a war that left the country devastated.
  • Napaleon names king of Spain

    Napaleon names king of Spain
    The 5 of May, 1805, Napoleon imprisoned Charles IV and his son Ferdinand VII and forced them to abdicate in his favor. After this, he named his brother, José Bonaparte, king of Spain. Much of the population did not like this, and they did not accept it. They called Bonaparte as Pepe Botellas.
  • Independence In Latin America.

    Independence In Latin America.
    The process of independence in Latin America begins in 1809-1810 and ends in 1825, with the exception of Cuba and Puerto Rico, which will continue to be Spanish colonies until 1898. It started with Mexico and New Granada independence.
  • Ecuador Independence.

    Ecuador Independence.
    Antonio José de Sucre, and its triumph in Pichincha (24-05-1822), which culminated the independence of the Great Colombia.
    Bolivar defeated the royalist pastures in the battle of Bomboná, and entered triumphant Quito (16-06-1822) and, later, he waited for the president of Peru, General José de San Martín, to discuss the strategy to end the war against the royalists. 4.
    (The first cry of independence was in 1809)
  • Quito and Its own government

    Quito and Its own government
    Quito was the first in the history of Spanish America to proclaim, on August 10, 1809, a government of its own, not appointed by the Crown. Soon they would proclaim their meetings, immediately.
  • Countries with their own government in 1810.

    Countries with their own government in 1810.
    Throughout 1810, Caracas (19/04), Buenos Aires (25/05), Bogota (20/07), and Santiago de Chile (18/08) proclaim their own government and not appointed by the royalty or crown.
  • Paraguay Independence.

    Paraguay Independence.
    The independence of Paraguay was the historical process by which the current Republic of Paraguay became independent from Spain, its colonial metropolis, while also refusing to join the state called United Provinces of the Río de la Plata
  • Uruguay Independence.

    Uruguay Independence.
    The Independence of Uruguay was the process by which the Uruguayan territory, known then as the Eastern Band of the Río de la Plata, became independent from the Spanish Crown. This process began on February 28, 1811 with the Cry of Asencio.
  • Return of Fernando VII, and the "Liberator"

    Return  of Fernando VII, and the "Liberator"
    When Fernando VII returned to the throne in 1814, patriotic military campaigns subsisted in Venezuela and the Río de la Plata. In the first, Simón Bolívar -Member of the Caraqueña boards of 1811- was named new military leader, and in 1813 he liberated Mérida and Caracas in the so-called Admirable Campaign, cities that gave him the title of "Liberator".
  • The "Peacekeeping expedition"

    The "Peacekeeping expedition"
    To quell the independence movement, Fernando VII ordered to organize the so-called "Peacekeeping expedition" which, under the command of Marshal Pablo Morillo, sailed from Cádiz in 1815. It was the greatest force that would leave Spain in the course of the war: 65 main ships, 18 of battle, a ship of the line of 74 guns, 15,000 men, accouterments, and provisions.
  • Argentina Independence.

    Argentina Independence.
    The Declaration of Independence of Argentina was a decision taken on Tuesday, July 9, 1816 by the Congress of Tucumán, by which it said the formal rupture of the ties of political dependence of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata with the Spanish monarchy .
  • Perú Independence.

    Perú Independence.
    In 1820, the Liberating Expedition from Chile landed in Peru under the command of General José de San Martín. This proclaimed in Lima the independence of the Peruvian State (1821) and under his Protectorate the first Constituent Congress of the country was formed.
  • Guatemala Independence (United Provinces of the Center of America).

    Guatemala Independence (United Provinces of the Center of America).
    Guatemala with its provinces (Chiapas, Soconusco, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Los Altos, and Costa Rica) declared its independence from the Spanish Crown (15-09-1821).
    One year later, Guatemala and its provinces formed an independent state, of federal character, with the name of United Provinces of the Center of America, being its capital city of Guatemala.
  • Bolivar and San Martin.

    Bolivar and San Martin.
    Bolivar, liberator, and San Martin, protector of Peru, talked about what was missing to complete the freedom of America: the defeat of the last realistic bastion in Peru. Surprisingly, San Martin gave Bolivar the initiative of the war completely. He returned to Lima, resigned from the government of Peru, and returned to his home in Argentina. A year later, sad by the death of his wife and some fights between Unitarians and Federals, he emigrated to Europe, where he died in 1850.
  • Chile Independence (1810-1823)

    Chile Independence (1810-1823)
    The process that consolidated Chile as an independent republic from the Spanish Empire is known as Independence of Chile. This period is comprised between September 18, 1810, from the First National Government Board, until the abdication of Bernardo O'Higgins on January 28, 1823.
  • The End of the War of Independence.

    The End of the War of Independence.
    Bolivar and sucre defeatet at the spanish army, and put an end to Spanish rule in South America.
    Sucre went to Alto Peru in 1825, where there was no resistance, and made Perú an independent as a sovereign state that adopted the name of Bolivia in honor of Simón Bolívar.
  • Mexico Independence (Recognized in 1839).

    Mexico Independence (Recognized in 1839).
    Miguel hidalgo say the cry of independence but was defeated in Guadalajara and executed by the realistic authorities in 1811. The command was taken by another priest, José Maria Morelos, who led the second stage of the revolution (1811-1815),but he die in 1815.
    People proclamled the independe in 1821 but after all of this, the president of the Republic Lopez de Santa Anna recognized Mexican independence in 1839.
  • Brazil independence (Republic).

    Brazil independence (Republic).
    In 1815 Napoleon declared Brazil as the base of the Empire of Brazil.
    Pedro II, (Brazil governor) reigned until 1889 when the first republic was proclaimed.
  • Puerto Rico Independence (Not an Independent Country)

    Puerto Rico Independence (Not an Independent Country)
    On September 23, 1868, the scream of Lares, of independence against Spain, was produced. The rebellion is crushed in a short time. Puerto Rico continues within the Spanish system until the war between EE. UU and Spain. After the defeat of this, the island of Puerto Rico happens to be administered by EE. UU (1898-1899), and is currently an associated free state of that country. Consequently, it is not an independent country.
  • Independence of Cuba.

    Independence of Cuba.
    Independence was orginizated by Jose Marti, the USA does not want to lose the possibility of taking over the largest island of the Antilles and, in 1898, after the explosion of the battleship Maine in the port of Havana, he declares war on Spain. The intervention of EE. UU precipitated the Spanish defeat and Cuba proclaimed its independence in 1899, although it suffered the American occupation.