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Comunero Revolt
The comunero revolt was a revolt of the people of Paraguay. At the time, Paraguay was subordinate to Lima, so Lima was able to put a governor in charge of Paraguay. However, the governer that Lima had chosen to put in charge of Paraguay was a pro-Jesuit governor that the people of Paraguay had already deposed, Because of this, the people of Paraguay revolted because they wanted the right to choose who rules them. -
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Napoleonic Wars
The Napoleonic Wars were a series of conflict between France and many other nations. French general, Napoleon Bonaparte, led many bloody attacks on almost all European nations during these wars until he was finally defeated in the Battle of Waterloo. -
Paraguay Independence
The independence movement of Paraguay was pretty much started and intensified when the portenos of Buenos Aires tried to extend their control over Paraguay by sending 1,100 troops and a spokesman into Paraguay. The people of Paraguay didn't like this, so they forced the spokesman into exile and thrashed the troops. After this skirmish, the people of Paraguay realized that they now had the real power and not the Spaniards. They were then able to declare independence shortly afterwards. -
Gran Columbia Independence
Simon Bolivar leads several campaigns fueled by the instability of Spanish rule (after the French invade Spain) to achieve independence and freedom for the former viceroyalty New Granada -
Brazilian Independence
Pedro, son of the king of Portugal, was left as regent in Brazil. On September 7, 1822, Pedro proclaimed Brazilian independence from Portugal and he was crowned constitutional emperor of Brazil. Dom Pedro I successfully kept Brazil from political fragmentation with the help of Lord Thomas Cochrane, an old British navy admiral. Lord Thomas Cochrane expelled Portuguese fleets and squashed separatist uprisings. Soon, Brazil was free of Portuguese oppression. -
Bolivia Independence
People took advantage of Spain being weakend after the Napoleonic wars and they launched a movement for independence under the leadership of Simon Bolivar which is who common day Bolivia is named after. They fought a 16 year long war before finally gaining their independence on August 6, 1825. -
Brazil Switches to Republic Government
Dom Pedro II is deposed by the Brazilian military and he leaves the country. Deodoro da Fonseca assumes office as president of Brazil.