Las revoluciones del siglo XVIII

  • Holy Alliance.

    Holy Alliance.
    It was formed by Alexander I of Russia, Francis I of Austria, and Frederick William III of Prussia when they were negotiating the Second Peace of Paris after the final defeat of Napoleon. The avowed purpose was to promote the influence of Christian principles in the affairs of nations.
  • Liberal revolution in Spain.

    Liberal revolution in Spain.
    The liberal revolution that took place in Spain in 1820, after a rather convulsive decade, was the beginning of the Revolutions of 1820. After the Spanish War of Independence, the liberals demanded the return of Ferdinand VII, called "the Desired One", so that he would sign the Constitution of 1812.
  • Liberal revolution in Napoles.

    The success of the beginning of the liberal triennium in Spain spread to Portugal, Greece and Italy. It was precisely in the latter where they arose with greater force in Piedmont and Naples.Although these liberal revolutions were not successful, they had a considerable impact on the future of Europe and even the world.
  • The revolution of 1820

    The revolution of 1820
    The Revolution of 1820 was the beginning of the definitive fragmentation of absolutism and the old regime in Europe. They were nationalist movements based on the achievement of a liberal state, without depending on a king who concentrated all the absolute power.
  • War of independence.

    War of independence.
    The attempts of Spanish reconquest of Mexico are the warlike confrontations that took place from 1821 to 1829 between the newborn Mexican state and Spain, which sought to restore the authority of Ferdinand VII's monarchy in the Indies.
  • The Greek revolution.

    The Greek revolution.
    It arose in the climate of the Revolutions of 1820 but had a very different character from the rest of the countries. The differences between the Greek nation and the Ottoman Empire were more than evident, so the Greeks, led by Alexander Ypsilantis and Dimitros Ypsilantis, proclaimed the independence of Greece in 1822 in the theater of Epidaurus (Greece).
  • Liberal revolutions from France, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Italy and Germany.

    Liberal revolutions from France, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Italy and Germany.
    Popular movements that put an end to absolutism and the Old Regime and established parliamentary systems with equality before the law and without class privileges.
  • July revolution

    July revolution
    The Revolution of 1830 was a revolutionary process that began in Paris, France, with the so-called July Revolution or the Three Glorious Revolutionary Days of Paris that brought Louis Philippe I of France to the throne and opened the period known as the July Monarchy.
  • Belgian revolution.

    Belgian revolution.
    In the Belgian Revolution the predominantly Catholic inhabitants of the southern provinces of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands rose up against the superiority of the mainly Protestant northern provinces. Within a few weeks in August and September the rebellion achieved the secession of Flanders and Wallonia and the formation of Belgium.
  • Electoral reform in Great Britain.

    Electoral reform in Great Britain.
    The parliament passed a law changing the British electoral system. It was known as the Great Reform Act. This was a response to many years of people criticising the electoral system as unfair.
  • Revolution of 1848

    Revolution of 1848
    Revolution of 1848 was the third wave of the broader revolutionary cycle of the first half of the 19th century, which had begun with the so-called "revolution of 1820" and "revolution of 1830". In addition to their status as liberal revolutions, the revolutions of 1848 were characterized by the importance of manifestations of a nationalist character and by the beginning of the first organized samples of the workers' movement.
  • Italian unification

    Italian unification
    This movement was planned much earlier but it was in 1860 when the first Italian parliament was born. The first king was Victor Manuel II it was the political and social movement that unified different states of the Italian peninsula into the single nation of Italy.
  • Russian independence.

    Russian independence.
    Crimean War was a conflict fought between 1853 and 1856 by the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Greece against a league formed by the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sardinia. ... It resulted in the defeat of Russia, which was embodied in the Treaty of Paris of 1856.
  • September Revolution

    September Revolution
    The revolution led to the dethronement and exile of Queen Isabella II and the beginning of the period known as the Democratic Sexenio.
  • Commune of Paris.

    Commune of Paris.
    The insurrection of Paris against the French government from 1871. Occurred in the wake of France’s defeat in the Franco-German War and the collapse of Napoleon III’s Second Empire.The foundation of the republic was laid with the adoption of the constitution and laws.
  • The workers' movement.

    The workers' movement.
    The workers' movement was conditioned by the decree of 1874 that dissolved the international in Spain and forced the workers of the regional workers' federation of Spain to move clandestinely. In addition, the workers' movement was divided into two tendencies, the anarchist and the socialist-Marxist. The 2 tendencies were at loggerheads.
  • Young Turk Revolution.

    Young Turk Revolution.
    A coalition of various reform groups that led a revolutionary movement against the authoritarian regime of Ottoman sultan Abdülhamid II, which culminated in the establishment of a constitutional government.
  • Independence of Serbia

    Independence of Serbia
    After World War II it became part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which ended up disintegrating after a series of wars in the 1990s. Serbia finally became an independent state again in 2006, following the dissolution of Serbia's union with Montenegro.
  • Bulgarian Independence.

    Bulgarian Independence.
    On March 3, 1878, in the small town of San Stefano, near Istanbul, was signed the Peace Treaty that put an end to the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, liberating for Bulgaria, which made possible the rebirth of the Bulgarian State after almost five centuries of Ottoman domination.