Language development milestones birth - 18yrs

  • 3 month old infants

    3 month old infants
    During this stage infants display language skills by using sound. when an infant crys it knows that someone will respond. Generally an adult will know that the child is in need.
  • 8 month old infant

    8 month old infant
    At this stage language is seen by gestures. Infants learn to wave their hand knowing a response would come from an adult rather it is bye or hello
  • 12 month old

    12 month old
    At a year old toddlers may begin to speak verbally. usually a one word sentence it may start with simple finger plays like peek a boo or maybe a two word combination like: mama, dada, bye bye and so forth.
  • 18 month old

    18 month old
    Here toddlers begin to combine words, like baby eat food, baby cry, or baby sit.There language abilities grow
  • 2 year old

    2 year old
    toddlers at this stage produce words combinations like: is calling, go bye bye. creating morphems
  • 3 year old

    at the age of three children begin to use sentences like: daddy at work, or mommy coming to get me, I want more milk, I want cookies too. Short sentences but usually three or more words
  • 4 year old

    4 year old
    language changes sentences become questions and words begin to mean the same thing. They may show more interest in the things they do. At this age they begin to label and name things and people in their own way.
  • 5 year old

    5 year old
    Language should be very clear at this age. Full sentences and clear questions would be relevant. Children will have a vivid imagination and will explore more at this stage
  • 6 year old

    6 year old
    At the age of six children begin to explore each other through words. they begin to create stories from reading and even learn to write out what they want to say.
  • Adolescence teen years

    Adolescence teen years
    Interaction becomes more relevant at this age. their opinions matter and two way conversation is welcomed. Generally they know and understand what they are saying and why in greater detail
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    infants usually respond vocally by cooing and baby babel.
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    8 month infant

    by this stage infants begin to gesture
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    12 month old

    may speak their first word
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    18 month old

    combining words
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    2 year old

    toddlers begin to create morphemes
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    3 year old

    more sentences and some structure
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    4 year old

    Langauge becomes more personal
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    6 year old

    writting and reading stages
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    Adolescence teen years

    converse, narrate, know meanings of language and will have their own style of speaking langauge