Intentions (8-9 months)
The child learns to communicate with intention, usually in an effort to influence the actions of their parents. -
Lexicon (Toddler)
The child has formed their own dictionary of words to use based on their environment. -
Fast Mapping (3-4 years)
The child's lexicon quickly expands from around 300 words to over one thousand. -
Metalinguistic Skills (Adolescent)
Semantics and pragmatics are being learned, leading to understanding figurative language and abstract language. -
Development and Expansion
Children develop stronger conversational skills and an expanded narrative ability relevant to storytelling. -
Extensive Word Progression
The child eventually has a lexicon of around 60 thousand words or more by the time they are in high school. -
Vocabulary Comprehension
Words now have specific and shared definitions instead of definitions based on experience only; multiple word meanings are also learned. -
Slowing Development
The child's language form development continues, but slows in comparison with the speed of their language development as toddlers.