Birth to one month
communicates primarily by crying and fussing -
2 months
Infants "coo" making vowel sounds. -
4 months
Infants observe parents with interest with "turn taking" games. -
6 months
Infant begins to babble. -
7 months
Babbling infant begins to comprehend a few commonly heard words. -
8-12 months
The infant has become more accurate at establishing joint attention with caregiver, also participates in the "turn taking" games. -
12 months
The infants babbling includes sound and intonation patterns, there is an increase in speed in accuracy pf word comprehension, and toddlers say their first recognizable word. -
2 years (preschool)
Toddler's spoken vocabulary expands from 50 to 200 to250 words, and toddler combines two words. -
3 years (preschool)
Child talks about objects,events, and people. Also adds information to what has been said, and answers simple questions appropriately -
4 years (preschool)
The child uses prepositions such as "on, in, and under". Produces elaborate sentence structures, and uses almost entirely intelligible speech -
5 years old (preschool)
The child has a vocabulary of 1,500 words or more, uses functional definitions, recognizes humor in simple jokes, states own birthday, etc. -
Talks nonstop, learns 5-10 words daily, enjoys reading and making up stories, etc (age 6). Uses adult like sentence structure, uses gesture to illustrate conversations, criticizes own performance (age 7). Reads with ease and understanding, understands and follows the rulers of grammar, converses fluently with adults, etc (age 8) -
uses slang, talks often nonstop, recognizes some words have double meaning, recognizes when a sentence is grammatically incorrect, etc (ages 9 and 10). Completes majority of language development by end of this stage ( ages 11 and 12).