Language Development

  • Prenatal Development- Birth

    At birth, infants can distinguish between specific sounds and patters as well as follow sounds with their eyes and head. They also communicate with eye contact.
  • 2 months old

    The infant communicates by crying as well as imitating coo sounds and making vowel sounds.
  • 4 months old

    Infants can begin to look at what their caregiver and others look at,causing joint attention. They observe role playing and turn taking games, gradually joining in and learning the roles.
  • 6 months old

    By 6 months old the infant understands word meanings including its own name. Cooing noises has now turned to babbling, including more sounds of language.
  • 8-12 months old

    Joint attention increases. The games previously observed are now participated in by both caregiver and infant. Pointing and other gestures are heavily used and by 12 months they recognize many more words much faster and their own first words are usually hard.
  • 18-24 months old

    The toddlers vocabulary increases significantly. Their spoken vocabulary increases around 3-5 words a week. Toddlers also begin to put words together.
  • 3-4 years old

    Toddler can now understand most simple questions and boasts a vocab of around 1000 spoken words.Can construct 3 word sentences and knows the names and noises of most common animals.
  • 5 years old

    Child can use and understand long sentences. know his age, family members names as well as understands rules and consequences
  • 6 years old

    The child can stories of events that had happened, often twisting in imagination. Understands relationships between objects and their roles.
  • 7 years

    Many children begin to tell time, as well as read and write their names and smaller words.
  • 10 years old

    Develop the concepts of numbers and time. Begins the use of slang. Social interactions become important.