Language Development

By tkutch
  • 2 months

    infants coo, making pleasant vowel sounds
  • 4 months

    infants observe with interest as the caregiver plays turn-taking games, such as pat-a-cake and peekaboo
  • 6 months

    infants babble, adding consonants to their cooing sounds and repeating syllables. 7months, babbling starts to include many sounds of spoken
    infants begin to comprehend a fee commonly heard words
  • Period: to

    8 to 12 months

    infants become more accurate at establishing joint attention with the caregiver, who often verbally labels what the baby is looking at they actively participate in turn-taking games, trading roles with caregiver they use preverbal gestures, such as showing and pointing, to influence others' goals and behavior and to convey information
  • 12 months

    babbling includes sound and intonation patterns of the childs language community.
    Speed and accuracy of word comprehension increase rapidly
    Toddlers speak their first word
  • Period: to

    18 -24 months

    spoken vocabulary expands forom 50 - 250 words
    toddler combines to words
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    2yr - 5 yrs

    toddler begins to learn more and more vocabulary
    takes more action after words, like running and playing
    communicate more with caregiver and makes friends
  • Period: to

    2yr - 3 yrs

    expressive vocabulary increases in this 1 yr margin about 300 words
    putting two words sentence together such as "more water"
  • Period: to

    6yrs - 12yrs

    baby isnt a baby, toddler isnt a toddlers
    caregiver gives more freedom 6 yr old avg expressive vocab is at 2600 words and receptive vocab at 20k - 24k by time 12yrs of age comes around average 12 year old should gain understanding of 50k receptive vocabulary