Children begin to make coo sounds and start babbling as first means of communication
Babbling begins to turn into sounds and patterns of child's spoken language in the household
Child begins taking turns in simple games. They begin to understand the process of sharing
By the first year children are beginning to say their simple first words like mama, dada, cat, dog
Children begin to use two word sentences and their vocabulary expands to a approximately 200 words
Children begin to add more words to their sentences and begin asking questions like who, what, where, and why
Children are able to describe objects in full sentences and can explain how to solve simple problems
Children begin to use more complex sentences and can follow multiple commands in a row
Children can follow instructions that have more than one step. Ex: Go upstairs, grab your shoes, come downstairs and put them on, then put on your jacket.
7-8 year olds can use grammar in the correct way when writing sentences. They can listen for a longer amount of time
Children around 10 begin to understand words with multiple uses and meanings
11-12 year olds begin to understand the uses of similes, metaphors, onomatopoeias, etc. in stories