Revolutionary project11333333333

Lachapelle revolution project

By 2020225
  • common sense

    common sense
    What year was it written?
    Who was the author of the pamphlet?
    -Thomas paine.
    What was the purpose of the pamphlet?
    -To tell americans to rebal against the british monday.
    Explain the success or failure of the pamphlet?
    -It was a success because people started fighting for the patriots.
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    What is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
    -Explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to seperate themselves from great britian.
    What is the preamble?
    -A preliminary or preparatory statement ;an introduction.
    The first section of the Declaration of Independence.
    -Far too much bad blood existed between the colonial leaders and the crown to consider a return to the past.
    the second sectonof the declaration of independence.
  • declaration of independence (2)

    declaration of independence (2)
    The second section of the declaration of independence.
    -It named a committee to do the writing.
    the third section of the declaration of independence.
    -This resolution stated "these united colonies are, and of right ought to be,free and independence states..."
    What was the impact of the declaration of independence?
    -It was not excepted by all americans.
  • retreat from new york

    retreat from new york
    Which colonies did fighting shift to?
    -Britain's victory in the Seven Years War ended her contest with France over North American>
    what are two outcomes of the battle of long island in 1776?