La Reforma

  • The Ayulta Plan created

    Ayulta plan was a plan to remove Santa Anna from control of mexico.
  • Santa Anna resigned

    Santa Anna resigned for the last time due to rising opposes.
  • Ley Juarez

    Ley Juarez (Named for Benito Juarez) was a law that was created by Juarez that abolished military and ecclesiastical privileges. President Juan Alvarez published it while Juarez was his minister of justice.
  • New Constitution

    The liberals created a new constitution was created by congress (which the liberals influenced and had upper hand in.) It gave the Mexico citizens their first Bill of Rights, prohibited slavery, outlined freedom of speech/press, curtailed power of churches, etc.
  • Conservatives aren't happy with the new constitution

    The Conservatives (landowners, military, and clergy) rebelled and wanted to keep things the way they were. The Civil War erupted.
  • La Reform Laws

    Ordered any property of churches not being used for worshiping or religious activity to be confiscated (without compensation) it nationalized churches,cemeteries nationalized, etc.
  • Juarez Reelected

    They considered this the victory of the liberals in the civil war.
  • Napoleon III sent his troops to Mexico City

    France isn't happy with suspending the payment to foreign countries and send their troops to Mexico city.
  • Battle of Puebla

    Fought between Liberal army lead by Benito Juarez and the French forces (sent by Napoleon III) with the conservatives. About of 1,000 men lost. Won by Brigadier General Porfirio Díaz. The liberal army won and we celebrate this day on Cinco de Mayo every year.
  • Napoleon III troops drive Juarez and his men out

    Due to the forces sent in 1861 Juarez and his men were finally forced out of Mexico City and Napoleon III made Maximilian, archduke of Austria leader of Mexico (France still wants power over Mexico)
  • Miximilian and his wife arrived in Mexico City

    Napoleon III had assigned him there as his puppet. But Maximilian couldn't do the Napoleons plans because he was to much of a Habsburg (German rulers) and the people didn't support him since he was a conservative. Clerical groups still wanted him to change/take back the La Reforma laws, he didn't.
  • France withdraws troops from Mexico

    Due to the pressure of the US and Mexico the french retreat. Republicans reconquered mexico. Once the Mexicans have control over Mexico city again Maximilian and his 2 main generals were forced to surrender and is later killed.
  • Juarez narrowly wins the reelection

    Barley Benito Juarez was reelected as president.
  • Benito Juarez Dies

    He died in his office while reading a newspaper. He died from a heart attack. Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada was the next president.
  • Porfirio Diaz leads second revolt against Juarez successor

    This time the revolt succeeded and Porfirio Diaz takes control of Mexico. Except for 1880 to 1884, Diaz will rule mainly as a dictator until 1911. While Diaz is in control the economic and commercial development changes tremendously.