Kyle Sparzynski Time Line

  • My Birth-Day

    My Birth-Day
    I was born at 10:23 A.M I was in sea section with every faimly members at bomont hospital. My mom said that it was a long but a amazing day.
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    This was when I moved to where I live today also this it the day I meet my best freinds if I did not move I would not have the freind I have today.
  • No Teeth

    No Teeth
    This was the year that I Lost my two front teeth for 7 year , And "All I want for christmas is my two front teeth". That was what I would do for 5 years till they came back.
  • Elementry School

    Elementry School
    was the fist day of elementry school and meet a lot of people that I meet in the high scool again like Astion Spring . The first day was awsome because of all the fun toys and easy math, Thats how I wish today was.
  • NO booster seat

    NO booster seat
    For my birth day I got to sit in the car without a booster seet and I got to fell like a big person that was tall and cool. When I got it off I was thinking that I was so cool I told my mom to get in her booster seat little kid.
  • HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!

    This was the year that I was on a Hockey team and we where called theIce-sharks and we won all the way to state but lost the semi final. We whent 31-4 we where the best.
  • Hckey camp

    Hckey camp
    I went to my first Hockey camp and it was the best because it let me know that I want to got to FSU for college. It was a long day but we got to play a game I got a goal and was the cool guy.
  • Target practice

    Target practice
    My mom teached me how to shoot a gun wich it was my moms pistol and my grandpas rifle with I hit the terget like a boss. She got the gun from my uncle when he was moving.
  • Cross bow

    Cross bow
    My grandpa got a cross bow for the fun of it and we got to shoot it and I shot the best because my grandpa got hit with the scope and gave up but he is ok now.
  • Vacation

    I whent on a vaction cruise to the end of mexico for 7 days and had christmas on a cruise ship, First time away from home for christmas. Try being away form home for the fist time it was weird but fun with all you can eat ice-cream.
  • First day on the bus

    First day on the bus
    Was the first day day that I had to ride the bus to and from school because my old school was across the street so I walk to school. But now I have a lot of people that are my close freinds.
  • Middle school is over!

    Middle school is over!
    This was the last day of middle school then I would be going to the high school and thats when we when to ceder point with freinds. It was cool to move to the high school but it was bad because I was on the top now I am on the bottom.
  • reffering

    I tock a reffeing class for hockey and with gave me a job for the fist time and I could get paid for helping a hockey game that I love. Now when I play a game I can see what the reffes are doing wrong.
  • Falcons!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This was the day that I was inroled in 01 Falcons and it is hard to be in the team because there is only one spot to get in the team and I was the one that made the team.
  • High school

    High school
    This was the first day of high school and thats when I had school with my sister again luckey me. But now I get to get free car rides to school and get to be on the bottom of the food chane.