Day i was born
My sister was born first, and i was born 6 minutes after her. -
The day i came home from the hosiptal
My mom brought us home to my older sister Kayla. She took one look at me and Kelsie and said "take them back to where ever you found them." -
Period: to
Kristen's Life
My first birthday
when i turned 1, my mom brought my cake out to me and Kelsie. She turned around to get the candles then when she turned back around me and Kelsie had already had our hands all in the cake. We were eating the cake and getting it all over us, making a mess. -
Cutting the hair
When i was 2, i use to pull my hair out. My hair was much shorter than Kelsie's, so we decided that we would cut her hair to make it look like mine. I got the sissors and took a big chunck out of her hair then my mom walked in and caught us, and she had to cut my sister's hair to fix it. -
Birthday Cake
When me adnKelsie turned 2 we had a birthday party. Our mom brought out our cake and as soon as she did me and Kelsie started grabbing it and throwing it at eachother, we had a fun second birthday. -
First time going to school
When I was 3, I first started going to school. My mom took me to gateway. I remeber i was scard to go to school because I didnt want to leave my mom and dad. But alosoi was exicted because my mom told me there would be kids there for me to play with. My mom dropped me off and started crying, she said everything would be oay and that she would come back to get me. when she came back i didn twant to leave because I had so much fun. -
The great escape
When me and Kelsie were 3 years old we had watched a movie called "To gradmothers house we go", with mary kate and ashley in it. They decided to run away in the movie. Me adn Kelsie got the bright idea to do that they done in the movie and run away to our nannas. We packed our bags and stuffed animals just like they done in the movie. We got out of the door and i realized i had forgot my animal so we went back inside to get it, and when we walked in there was our mom. We got in trouble. -
Bike Riding
The first time i rode a bike without training wheels was when I was 5. I remem being scared and exicted at the same time. I got on my bike and my mom and dad were on both sides of me and i started going then they let go and i just kept going. I was so pround of myself for doing it without training wheels -
Swithching Seats
In kindergarden me and Kelsie decided to play a joke on my teacher. WE traded seats in the clas room to see if she would notice. At first she didnt notcie, sh was calling me Kelsie and calling Kelsie, Kristen. She finally caught on whenever we kept laughing when she would say the wrong names and the rest of the class would laugh too. At first she was mad adn got on to us then after that she thoughtit was funny and cute. -
The Bead Experience
Me and my twin sister Kelsie, were sitting in the back of my dads truck and my bracelet broke. We thought if i put the bead in one side of her ear then it would come out the other side. So I put it in her ear and was shakeing her head to make it come out but it never did. We just decided we would leave it in there and not tell our parents. A few days later at school we were getting ear examines and the nurse seen the bead. He called our parents and she had to go to the doctor to get it out. -
The Duck Pond
When i was 6 my family took a vacation to Panama City Beach, and a family friend came along with us. We went down to the pond near the house we were staying in to feed the ducks. Our friends dad brought a camera to record us. We were having fun feeding the ducks then i noticed a baby duck out in the middle of the pond that wasnt getting any food. I thought that I could walk on lily pads to get to it too feed it. I took a step on the first lily pad and fellin the pond. My dad had to get me out. -
I was in first grade when 9/11 happened. My teacher started telling us what was happeningadn turned on the news. I still didnt really undserstand what was happening then when i got home my mom eplained tome what had happened.I just remember seeing on the news the bulidings burning and people screaming and trying to get out of the building and some were jumping out the the windows, I remember i was really scared as i was watching the news and my teacher was crying and i started crying. -
Disney World
When i was 7 my family took a vacation to disney World. It was my first time ever going. I was so exicted the whole way down there, i kept asking my mom are we there yet? I wanted to get there and meet all of the princesses. I had so much fun with my family at Disney World and I will always remember my first time going. -
"Beef Jerkey"
I went over to my moms friends house to eat like we done quite often. I had went to the bathroom and seen a can of what i thought was beef jerkey. I opened it up and got a big pinch of it and put it in my mouth, then my mought felt like it was on fire! I spit it out everywhere and was scraping it off og my tounge. Then i looked at the can and it was a can of dip! -
First time moving
We had been living in middlesboro all my life until i got in 3rd grade and my mom wanted to move to Harrogate. Me and my sisters didnt want to move but then we got exicted whenever my mom told us our new house would hvae a pool, we moved over there and we eneded up really liking our new house. -
Switching schools
When i was 8, my mom made us switch schools. We had been going to Yellow creek and she said we needed to go to middlesboro. Me and Kelseie were very nervous we thought it would be hard to make new friends. Thehn when we came to middlesboro everybody wanted to be our friends becasue they thought it was so cool that we were twins, we made friends easily. So we were worried about nothing. -
In 4th grade my parents got divorced. Me and my sisters took it really hard at the time, but now we understand why. -
April Fools
In the 5th grade my teacher Mr. Lewis told me adn Kelsei to play an April fools joke on one of my teachers. He told us to swtich places for that class, so we did. The teacher never noticed until another teacher came ine there to play an April fools joke on me. He told me i was in trouble for swtching classes wiht Kelsie, I was freaking out thinking i was really in trouble. Then he said he was getting us back for tricking him and that it was an april fools joke and that i wasnt really in trouble. -
Passing out
In 6th grade we had to ride bikes in gym class. i had trouble breathing but i figured i would be able to do it. We started going down the levy and i started gettting hot adn dizy but i kepy going then we were passing the hospital going back to the school and i passed out. I wasin the back of the line and Charlesa seen me pass out so she went back adn was trting to help me. Coach Powell told her to leave me and that he would come back when class was over to get me and help me. -
Ding-dong ditch
Me, both my my siters, Chelsea, and /katie went ding dong ditching around my neighborhood when i lived in harrogate. We were having fun ringing the door bells and runiing when they came to open the doors until someone called the cops on us. The police came and were trying to find us, they had there spot light out and we were hiding. We had ran so far that we got lost and didnt know how to get bacj to our house. The cops were still looking for us the whole time we were finding our way back. -
My first kiss
I got my first kiss when i was in 8th grade. I rememer i was so nervous because I knew he was going to kiss me. We were in the bakck of my moms cars leaving church. We were taking him home, when we got to his house i gout out to let him out then he hugged me and said bye kristen, then he kissed me. My sisters said awhhhh! which made it really embarassing, I got in the car and coudnt quit smileing. -
Skipping Class
My freshmen year me and my frineds wanted to skip class but we were really scared too. We finally decided to just do it and the whole time we were freaking out.First we hid in the bathroom then behind the lockers. We didnt get caught but we did get called ot the office and they asked if we had skppied class and we said no and he believed us. We decided we were never going to do that again after we almost got caught. -
Taking a brick to the head.
I was at school in the lunch line talking to a friend. Next thing I know a brick pops out from the wall and hits me in the head. I was laughing at first then i realized my head was bleeding and i started panicing. My frined and my sister ran me to the nurse and by then my head was bleeding bad and the left side of my clothes were covered. I went to the hosiptal and i had to get staples in my head and a cat scan.