i was born :D
ikr, such an amazing day. apparently it was kinda rain-y that day which is really cool because my birthname (varsha) means rain. -
aaand...guitarist kris became a thing
for my 7th birthday, my grandmother (or dad. or aunt. idk, a lot of people take credit for it) bought me my first guitar. it was a black and white mini electric guitar. at the time, i was obsessed with guitars for three reasons. 1) my sister plays it and i wanted to be just like her 2) alvin from that chipmunk movie had a guitar 3) my mom wanted me to learn how to play an instrument and i thought guitars were cool.
his name was sparky or something like that. i recently renamed him jackson. -
shoot, an 80-
i was a perfect, straight a student until i was around 11. in 6th grade, i got distracted by a boy and got an 80 in a class. at the time, an 80 was the worst thing that could ever happen to me (i'm indian, you can't really expect anything else-) -
varsha? ew idk her
so basically i wasnt americanised until 7th grade. then i started feeling like people didn't like me because of how indian i am (spoiler alert, it wasn't because of that, it was because i had the personality of half a chicken nugget). so i started going by rain instead of varsha and changed my accent and personality a little. -
depresso espresso
i was lonely in 7th grade. people didn't like me, my mom was in DC for work, and my dad worked so i didnt see him much. i was also very insecure about my looks and weight. i got severely depressed and had many many suicidal thoughts and actions. i didnt get help and my few existing friends were very toxic. i ended up going to a mental health hospital and spending a few days there for obvious reasons. it got worse by the day, and continued onto the next year. -
yes. at the end of 7th grade, i got into kpop. one day i looked up how to effectively end my life, on youtube. but instead of finding that, i found a BTS music video. my friend had forced me to watch a video of them a week prior and i thought it was ok but i didn't really care. i watched that video and fell in love with a specific member, who went through similar problems that i did. i felt less alone and didn't harm myself, and i've loved kpop ever since. ive gotten into more groups though- -
spent 3 months in the closet yet i dress horribly. whats up with that?
wait...i can like girls? but i am a girl? i can like both guys and girls??? isn't that like...cheating? wait so i can date either a guy or a girl but still like both? woah...neat. so sexualities confused me. i was sheltered. but with the help of google i figured out that i was bisexual and i came out to my parents and friends. no one was surprised. my sister recently told me that she thought i'd be lesbian.
i got my first girlfriend that summer. i met her at Vanderbilt for DUKETIP -
tbh i remember her name but hearing her name makes me wanna punch something
my first serious relationship happened in 8th grade. it was as serious as 8th grade relationships can get. on my bus i met a girl that lived a few houses down from mine. we got along and started dating. i met her parents, she met mine, she tried to kiss me, i panicked and ran home, on halloween she got jealous of this guy i met and got close to (we were trick or treating together and this high schooler started flirting with me and i didnt notice) and we broke up. we tried again, didnt work -
loey, the love of my life
so i got a new guitar. its the one in the picture, or it looks the same. i named him loey, after the guy in the picture. the guitar is honestly so beautiful and ngl, its the love of my life. music is. guitar is. -
i got a rat :D
i wanted a dog, dad said no, dad got me a guinea pig instead.
she was honestly exactly like a cat.
she was my best friend and i loved her so much, everyone did.
her name was chimmy shin lee, and she was the prettiest guinea pig you'll ever see.
my cousin's sons always ask to see her when we facetime -
i got accepted into GSMST. yay.
and that, my friends, is the day that screwed my whole life up -
rip pepper
ten day before my birthday, we had to put our dog down. she was with us for 15 years. i still miss her. pepper katta, 2004-june 18, 2019 -
i become a single father
my grandmother told my dad to get me a puppy. i was really affected by pepper's death and i''ve always wanted a puppy so my dad got me a puppy. i wanted a border collie. he said we either get a goldendoodle or we dont get a puppy
i still wanted a border collie. but puppy>no puppy, so we got a goldendoodle
his name is Koya Shin Lee and hes a hyper mess and i hate him but i also love him and he makes my day brighter and my fingers wetter cuz he likes licking them. -
parents: gonna kill me
hotel: trivago
i failed 9th grade. miserably. gsmst just wasn't for me, and covid really messed up my sem. 2 grades, which were already lower than you could imagine before the virus. i withdrew at the end of the year and enrolled in peachtree ridge -
im...a boy?
google, thanks bub, you really helped me. for the past two or three years, i had been feeling weird whenever i looked at my body or whenever people called me "she". recently i realized that im transgender. im a guy. i came out to my parents yet again and now im transitioning, which is why i now go by kris.
also i came out as gay and asexual.
no kids for me :D
oh and i chose kris because of kris wu -
rip rat
chimmy recently died. i dont remember the date. i dont want to.
it was so sudden. one day she was fine, eating watermelon out of my hand like she always does, and the next day she stopped moving and eating and drinking water and the day after that, she stopped breathing
we buried her in our backyard
theres a really pretty flower that randomly grew over her
my cousin's sons still ask for her
and my grandmother nearly cried when we told her about chimmy.