Kriegathor's timeline

  • Born

    My momma had the greatest child that ever lived.
  • Period: to

    My life yo

  • Trust vs. Mistrust: Moved to KC

    Trust vs. Mistrust: Moved to KC
    I lost all my friends that i knew from my early childhood, and to be honest i cant remember any of them by name except that i used to be friends with the ESPN anchor's son, Trey Wingo I did however, Trust my parents that i would make new friends.
  • Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt: PRESCHOOL

    Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt: PRESCHOOL
    Yo dawg so little Eric Krieger was faced with the challenge of making friends and going to preschool, a place where my Momma Bear wasn't. That was a scary thing to start, and if I didn't feel like I fit in or was safe there then I would have probably doubted myself a lot more.
  • 9/11

    This was a significant event in my childhood, I might not have understood it at the time but my mother was crying when i came home from school and she had told me that some men had flown planes into buildings. I definitely didn't understand the significance of this event at the time, but they memory of my mother crying has always stuck with me.
  • Iniative vs. Guilt

    I vaguely remember doing some sort of at home science experiment thing that had something to do with cooking or something. My mom let me do it pretty much without supervision and it probably helped me build iniative or whatever instead of feeling guilty about doing things on my own
  • Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt

    Somewhere around the age of 10 I stopped hanging around my Mom when we went to stores. I would walk through the aisles without her and look at random stuff. This is a point where i began doing things less and less in the presence of my mother.
  • Identity: Public School

    Identity: Public School
    I had gone to a catholic elementry school until my parents made me go to the PH school district in 6th grade. I was very made about this because i wouldn't get to go to school with my friends, but afterwards i completely agreed with my parents that it was a better decision.
  • Integrity vs. Despair: Bribery

    Integrity vs. Despair: Bribery
    While at a resort in Jamaica, a bank robbery happened and a few men came into the resort and shot up. The men ran onto the beach and as i was running in the opposite direction of them one of them told me not to say anything and gave me a $100 dollar bill as he ran down the boardwalk towards the jungle. I was propbably one of the only people that saw the direction they went and so I decided to ignore the bribe and so i decided to tell the authorities. I still kept the bribe though.
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion: Graduation of HS

    Identity vs. Role Confusion: Graduation of HS
    Go to college or enter the workforce? Definitely go to college. ...But what from there? Ones identity can't be College student forever. From there choices have to be made, and I have a strong feeling that my work and career choices will have a strong influence on my indentity.
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion: Part Deux... or III?

    This will be the month I should expect to graduate college. What will I do? What will I have achieved? How do those achievments... or failures... make me who I am and affect my identity?
  • Integrity vs. Despair: Career choices

    I assume I will have a job shortly after college, but who knows what. Will it be in a career field I want to remain in and continue doing for years to come? Will I feel happy with the choices Ive made regarding my career?
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation: Having a kid

    I'm the only male or female in my father's side of the family, Any male children I have will be both German and American citizens, as well as the fact the Krieger = Warrior in German. Thats pretty badass and all, but I am not sure if I want to have children because of the financial burden they might be. It sounds very selfish but at the same time I think everyone longs for generativity.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation: FBGM

    Intimacy vs. Isolation: FBGM
    Get married and have kids or be Charlie Sheen? intimacy to me more or less as an adult means finding someone, getting married, and maybe having kids. But isolation is more like being Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half men. I probably wouldn't choose isolation but who knows.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority: POTUS

    I've always wanted to be President of The United States. So yeah. Will I be industrious or inferior and never make it to POTUS? I'd be a badass president like kennedy or TR.
  • Generativity: Death

    When I am in my elderly years I hope to look upon my life and feel like I did things that were useful for the society we live in and hopefully made some sort of lasting impact through my work and/or my children.
    I think 80ish a good age to die, as long as i'm capable of taking care of myself however, i dont mind living. But the second I stop being capable of taking care of myself, I don't think I should be a burden upon anyone at all.