Innovations of the industrial revolution

  • Coke-fuelled furnace

    Coke-fuelled furnace
    The British man Abraham Darby created a machine that could melt iron by using coal.
  • The spinning Jenny

    The spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny in Stanhill . The spinning jenny allowed workers to produce multiple spools of thread at the same time.
  • water Frame

    water Frame
    Richard Arkwright created the water frame in 1769. In textile manufacture, it’s a spinning machine powered by water that produced a cotton yarn suitable for warp.
  • Improved steam engine

    Improved steam engine
    The improved steam engine has been created by James Watt. It is used to power all sorts of machinery, such as locomotives.
  • The power loom

    The power loom
    The power loom has been created by Edmund Cartwright. It’s a machine that allowed to weave cloth faster than manually.
  • The cotton gin

    The cotton gin
    The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in Savannah, Georgia. The cotton gin separated cotton fibers from their seeds more quickly than doing it manually.