Key Terms Timeline

  • Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton
    Founding Father of the United States, chief staff aide to General George Washington
  • John Witherspoon

    John Witherspoon
    President of the college of New Jersey, was a delegate to New Jersey in the second continental congress
  • John Trumbull

    John Trumbull
    He was the only colonial governor to side with colonists, and help supply Washington's army
  • Charles Carrol

    Charles Carrol
    Helped fund the Revolution with his own money
  • John Peter Muhlenberg

    John Peter Muhlenberg
    Member of the Black Regiment, later became a general under Washington. Also a U.S. senator and congressman
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    Explained the reasons why the colonists sought independence from Great Britain.
  • Benjamin Rush

    Benjamin Rush
    Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Also known a " The Father of American Medicine". Pioneer in Physiology and Psychiatry.
  • John Hancock

    John Hancock
    He served as president of the Second Continental Congress and has biggest signature on declaration of independence
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Founding father and helped write the Declaration of Independence
  • E Pluribus Unum

    E Pluribus Unum
    Out of many, one (the motto of the US)
  • U.S Constitution

    U.S Constitution
    The basic structure of our national government
  • John Jay

    John Jay
    Founding Father, Signed Treaty of Paris, and Declaration, and First Chief of Justice
  • Eminent Domain

    Eminent Domain
    The right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    A list of of possible rights that was reduced to ten which were approved by the members of congress
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    Forth President of the united states of america, also known as " The Father of the Constitution"
  • Alexis De Tocqueville

    Alexis De Tocqueville
    Traveled to the United States in 1831 to study its prisons also wrote “Democracy in America” (1835)
  • Liberty

    individuals are free to pursue their own work
  • Egalitarianism

    Society of equals, important because everyone is equal no matter what class
  • Laissez-faire

    People had a "hands off" approach to the economy
  • Individualism

    The government did not direct individual activity
  • Populism

    Participation of the common people in political life
  • " In God we trust

    " In God we trust
    First appeared on U.S. coins in 1864 and has appeared on paper currency since 1957.