Key Events In Technical Developments in Editing

  • Moviola

    The moviola was invented in 1924 by Iwan Serrurier. The moviola allowed editors to see and study individual shots.
  • Kinescope

    Kinescope is a film camera focused in on a video monitor
  • BBC

    BBC had there first ever live public service.
  • US Broadcast

    US Broadcast
    First commercial broadcast began in the US
  • Linear editing

    Linear editing
    Using two video decks you can transfer one cut to the other to make one cut after the other.
  • Magnetic Tape

    Magnetic Tape
    First images on magnetic tape
  • Steenbeck

    Machine that helped people wanting to edit
  • VideoTape Recorder

    VideoTape Recorder
    Ampex created the first videotape recorder
  • Helical scan VTR's

    Helical scan VTR's
    Allowed you to fit more time in the video therefore you could pause it so you can see individual frames
  • Game show

    Game show
    Broadcasted in all time zones from a pre-recorded tape
  • Editec

    All electronic video taper recorder that could also pick up sound
  • SMPTE Timecode

    SMPTE Timecode
    Gave each frame an address according to hours, seconds and mins
  • Non lineasr editing

    Non lineasr editing
    Non linear editing meant you could cut in whatever order you wanted and could make changes without disturbing the rest of the video.
  • Avid

    Non linear editor.