
Key Events in Islamic Empires

  • Oct 15, 610

    Gabriel speaks to Muhammad

    Gabriel speaks to Muhammad
    Muhammad tried to avoid the greediness and all the ills of the Meccan society by meditating in caves in the hills of Mecca. When he was called to be the messanger of God by the angel Gabriel he was terrified and confused on why he was chosen, Eventually, he accepted Khadija convinced him to accept the calling.
  • Nov 8, 622

    Muhammad's Hijra

    Muhammad's Hijra
    Muhammad's Hijra was a journey in which him and his followers left Mecca for Yathrib. Later on, Yathrib was renamed Medina. In Medina, Muhammad was welcomed and the people of Medina agreed to follow his teachings.
  • Nov 10, 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad's Death
    In 632, Muhammad died an unexpected death. No one knew why he died. He died with assigning a successor.
  • Period: Nov 10, 632 to Nov 10, 661

    Rule of Muhammad and First Successors

    Muhammad's SucssorsAbu-Bakr was Muhammad's father-in-law and later named successor. At first, no one wanted to obide by Abu-Bakr but later they started to accept him as successor because of hs close relation to Muhammad. Ali was the leader if the Shiite group and he was named successor becasue a group believed that Muhammad designated for his son-in-law to be successor for he would give as great a rule as Muhammad himself. After Ali died, a new dynasty was set up by a powerful Meccan clan
  • Nov 23, 632

    Sunni ad Shia Split

    Sunni ad Shia Split
    The division of Sunnis and Shia stands to present day. The division occured due to religion practices, law, and daily life. The two groups believed in the same God, use the Quran for guidance and they both obide by the 5 pillars of Ilsam. over time the split really turned into conflict. The long time rivalry is the primary source for violence in the Middle East today.
  • Period: Nov 11, 661 to Nov 11, 750

    Umayyad Dynasty

    The Umayyad dynasty was set up after Ali's death by a dynasty of Caliph's from the Sunni group.their rule expanded the spread of Islam and Muslim Civilization. The Umayyad Dynasty ruled until 750
  • Period: Nov 11, 750 to Nov 11, 1258

    Rise of Abbisids

    Abul-Al-Abbas was the leader. The Abbasid dynsaty tried to base their ruling on the equality of Muslims. Early Abbasids led the empire to great wealth and power. Thanks to the Abbasids, Muslims became more diverse because discrimination ended.
  • Nov 11, 1095

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    When the Seluj Turks migrated into the Middle East from Central Asia, everything was fine at first. However, When a Seluj Turk ruler ruled Baghdad pushed into the Asia Minor they posed a threat to the Byzantine Empire. The first Crusade was caused by the prevention of Christians to travel to Jerusalem.
  • Period: Nov 11, 1258 to Nov 11, 1492

    Abbasids Move the Capital of Islamic Empire

    Abbasid KhilafahAbbasid KilafahThe only surviving member of the UUmmayad Dynasty had fled to Spain and established a capital. ttheir learning thrived and expanded even more and they even ruled parts of Spain.
  • House Of Wisdom

    House Of Wisdom
    The House of Wisdom was a library and university in Baghdad. It held great works of the classical world and translated them into Arabic.
  • Fall of the Abbasids

    Fall of the Abbasids
    After fleeding to Spain, the Abbasid's never actually ruled Spain as a whole. Their rule over the Muslim EMpire even got shakey. The caliph's power weakend and thats when Shiite rulers came to be in control.