

By ldemers
  • 1127


    Kaladin is the eldest child of Hesina and Lirin, darkeyed Alethi of the second dahn, and brother to Tien. Kaladin's father is a surgeon in Hearthstone. During his youth, he wrestles with whether to take the path of a soldier or follow in his father's footsteps. He ends up choosing to study as a surgeon in Karbranth. Kaladin has a distant hope of marrying the brightlord’s daughter, Laral, until her father dies and the town's new brightlord plans to marry her off to his own son Rillir.
  • 1168

    Protecting Tien

    Protecting Tien
    Brightlord Roshone requires Tien to be conscripted into Amaram's forces as a payback to Kaladin's father Lirin for not saving his son Rillir from a fatal hunting wound. Kaladin enlists right away, against his parents' wishes in order to be with and protect his brother. Kaladin ends up witnessing his brother's death during a brutal battle, and that causes him to work harder to protect the ones he cares about.
  • 1172

    The Shardbearer

    The Shardbearer
    Kaladin pursues and kills an enemy Shardbearer (Helaran) in battle by ramming his spear into the eye slit in the Shardbearer's helmet. Kaladin refuses his right to the Shards and instead wants to gift it to his squad. However, Amaram kills all of Kaladin's men, brands Kaladin as a slave, and takes the Shards for himself. This is pivotal in Kaladin's hatred for lighteyes, as he had previously respected Amaram and now begins to adopt the outlook that lighteyes are corrupt, selfish, and deceitful.
  • Mar 1, 1173


    Kaladin first consciously notices Syl when he is gathering blackbane root (deadly poison) during a stop along slavetrader Tvlakav's route to the Shattered Plains. She has a hand in preventing him from using the blackbane root, and confronts him again at the chasm when he is considering jumping.
  • May 1, 1173

    Bridge 4

    Bridge 4
    Kaladin is assigned to Bridge 4, the worst bridgecrew in Sadeas' army. Kaladin considers giving up after seeing the horrors of bridge running. However, Syl confronts him at the Honor Chasm (ironically bringing him blackbane root) and he has renewed purpose. Afterwards, he begins winning over the bridge 4 members, especially when he takes Rock's deadly position in the front of the bridge run, and begins healing his men on the battlefield. He begins training them to work together.
  • Jul 1, 1173

    Meeting the Stormfather

    Meeting the Stormfather
    Bridge Four tries side-carry for the first time and are miraculously saved, but the battle goes very very poorly for the other crews and for the army. Kaladin is beaten and strung up in the high storm as punishment; Syl holds back the death spren and the storm with all her might; Kaladin sees the stormfather. He is incredibly injured, but heals quickly when he unknowingly sucks in stormlight.
    He begins discovering his talents, thanks to Teft’s insight and help from Syl as she remembers more.
  • Jul 20, 1173

    The First Ideal

    The First Ideal
    After the highstorm, Kaladin unconsciously feeds off of Stormlight that Teft brings him and makes a miraculously recovery. Teft later punches him to see what would happen and Lopen declares that Kaladin is "glowing." Syl discloses that she is behind Kaladin's powers and offers to cut the bond. Kaladin has been struggling since his recovery, but he chooses to accept his responsibility and use his power to protect others. Teft teaches him the first ideal and Kaladin speaks the words.
  • Sep 1, 1173

    The Battle of the Tower (Second Ideal)

    The Battle of the Tower (Second Ideal)
  • Nov 1, 1173

    Bodyguard in Dalinar's Army

  • Jan 1, 1174

    The Assassin in White

    The Assassin in White
    Syl alerts Kaladin that danger is coming. He, Dalinar, and Adolin find Szeth in a dark hallway as they try to bring the king to safety. The three take on the assassin together. After Adolin is defeated and Kaladin's arm is severed by Szeth's Blade, Dalinar fights Szeth alone. Kaladin arrives and pushes him and Szeth through the hole in wall, and they tumble to the ground below. Kaladin consumes Stormlight from Szeth's spheres, and he heals himself from the fall and his shardblade wound.
  • Mar 1, 1174

    Adolin's Duel

  • May 1, 1174

    Moash & Elhokar (The Third Ideal)

    Moash & Elhokar (The Third Ideal)
  • May 2, 1174

    Fighting Szeth in the Sky