
k.steiner, period 5

  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independance was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, and written by the Continetal Congress on July 4th 1776. It declared war against Britain and stated they no longer wated to be a part of the British Empire. The Daclaration of Independence is an extremely important part of US history. If the Continental Congress had not written it then the Unoted States would still be under British rule.
  • the signing of the US Constitution.

    The Constitution was written during the Philadelphia Convention (Constitutional Convention). It was signed on September 17, 1787. 55 delegates attended the constitutional convention sessions. However, only 39 delegates ended up siging the constitution. The ages ranged from 26-81 This event is very important, because if the delegates would not have signed it then we wouldnt have a Constitution.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Congress passed the Indian removal act in the year of 1830. It was urged by our seventh president, Andrew Jackson. The indian removal acted forced all of the indians to move out of their land, and travel west (to the other side of the Mississippi river.)
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The california Gold rush happened in sanfransico in 1848. A man named, James Marshall, was the first (well known) to find gold in california. This was a very important discovery because it caused many people to move out west and it was one of the biggest migrations in US history. Many people heard about it and decided to take the journey across the united states in hope that they would become wealthy. in just 5 years, over 250,000 people had migrated to california.
  • homestead act

    homestead act
    The homestead act was signed into a law by Abraham Lincoln on May 20th 1862, The homestead act allowed anyone 21 years or older (including women, and freed slaves) to own a piece of land. The government provided the land. The people got it for free. All that they had to do was farm the land and live on it for at least five years.
  • Civil War ends

    Civil War ends
    On April 9, 1865, just days before Abraham Lincoln's assassination, the Civil War ended. The Union won. However everything was destroyed. This was extremely impotant to the United States because It was time that the reconstruction of our nation began.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln's Assassination
    On April 14, 1865, Good Friday, Abraham Lincoln was shot. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth at the famous Fords Theater. Lincoln was sitting in the presidents ' box watching the play, "Our American Cousin," when his guard left to get a drink. Lincoln was shot in the back of his head. The bullet was lodged right behind his left ear. Many think that he died right away, however, he didn't officially pass until 7:22 the next morning. This event had a huge negative impact on our reconstruction.
  • Period: to

    Cattle Drive

    Between 1866 and 1886 the cattle drive took place. Cowboys led all of their cattle up North. When they got up North they would kill the cattle. After that they would sell the meat to the people. More than 20 million cattle were herded up North from Texas to Kansas
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was a severe Worldwide economic depression. It started in October of 1929 when consumers started spending less and there was more and more unsold goods piling up. This slowed production. Meanwhile the prices were rising higher and higher. The confidence of the consumers disappeared and the businesses and factories slowed down there production, and started firing a lot of their workers. This is how the Great Depression started. The world began to recover in the 1930's.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the very first humans (Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin) on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first to step onto tbe lunar surface. This was a very important time in history, because we were the first country to put people on the moon, and it put us ahead of the Soviet Union.
  • My Birthday

    I was born on October 26, 2000 at Women's and Babies Hospital, in Lancaster, PA. at the time I only had one sibling. Her name is Leah, and she was 16 months old. I currently have three younger siblings. Luke (10), Keira (8), Laina (5), and one on the way. I am almost 14 years old, and im in 8th grade. Some of the things that i'm interested in are field hockey, and basketball.
  • terrorist attack of 9/11

    On Sepember 11, 2001,19 militants hijacked four ailiners. The attack was targeted at the United States, One of the planes flew right into the 80th floor of the North tower. It instantly killed many people. Just minutes later another plane hit its twin. This time on the 60th floor, killing even more people. In this tragic event over 3000 people were killed. That is including 400 police officers and firefighters. This really influenced our country. Poelple are now aware of what could happen.
  • Osama Bin Laden caught and killed

    On May 2, 2001, the 9/11 mastermind was finally found and killed. They say it took years to find him, but only minutes to kill him. This was very important to our country, because now we dont have to be afraid of what Osama Bin Laden will do.