Jojo's timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    My parents had a baby girl named Joanna. They weren't prepared for the energetic, loving, talkative, restless, and altruistic daughter they were going to have.
  • My cousins birth

    My cousins birth
    She was my god sister and she was there for me. I didn't really know any of my girl cousins. We could tell each other things. She was the closest thing that I had to a sister. For some time we stopped seeing each other because of school. But we both go to Taft so we get to see each other.
  • Brother's birthday

    Brother's birthday
    I put his birthday as the date because I don't remember it but it was my first year with him. We have about an 8-year difference. When I was a kid, I didn't make his life easy so we weren't close. He's always there for me. I look up to him and I can talk to him whenever for anything. We're pretty close.
  • I grew up with both cousins

    I grew up with both cousins
    We grew up together. They're siblings. The one on the right is a couple of months older and I am a year older than the one in the middle. We went to the same elementary school until 4th grade because I transferred. But I always protected and stood up for them.
  • Graduated from pre school

    Graduated from pre school
    It was my first graduation and I have a ring that says 2010.
  • I got my dog Leo

    I got my dog Leo
    Loving- He's my first pet and I love him so much. I spoil him more than my little sister. He's always been there for me. Although sometimes he picks my dad and brother over me it's okay.
  • Little sister

    Little sister
    Open-minded/loving: My little sister was born and I had to keep an open mind because I was a little jealous since I was like the princess/ spoiled child. But when the time came I loved her with all my heart. We also have about a 9-year difference.
  • New School

    New School
    Risk taker- I transferred schools over the summer of 2015. I was going into 4th grade and I was really scared and doubtful. I decided to take a risk and talk to a girl named Emily and we've been best friends for more than 7 years.
  • Dina

    Friendly- I was hanging out with a couple of friends and I saw this girl named Dina sitting by herself. I was nervous but I always try to include people and make new friends so I went up to her and talked to her and I've been friends with her for more than 6 years. She and Emily are 2 of the few friends that I consider real friends.
  • Pandemic

    Independent- I had to ensure I did my schoolwork during online learning. Nobody was going to tell me so I had to do that alone.
  • 8th grade graduation

    8th grade graduation
    Hardworking- I always try to do my best. I put in the work at school and when I graduated 8th I was happy because the work paid off.
  • WOW Group

    WOW Group
    communicator-A joined the WOW group because I wanted to be a part of something. When Ms. Allison was talking in a presentation explaining what WOW stood for. I was very curious and interested and we get to talk at first I felt really nervous and didn't talk but it's a safe space and we communicate about how we feel and other things. I'm really happy I joined.
  • 15th Birthday

    15th Birthday
    I had an amazing day. 15 is a big number for Hispanic culture so it's a memorable moment. I was also surprised with tickets to go to Mexico in April.
  • I moved houses

    I moved houses
    It was my first time moving and it was a good experience. I didn't want to move because I wanted to live close to my friends but at the same time, I was happy for my parents. It's more spacious. My friends and I still hang out.
  • Sophomore year

    Sophomore year
    Anxious- we had been in quarantine for more than 2 years. Coming back to school and being in big groups made me more anxious than ever. I still am.
  • First job

    First job
    Dependable/Responsible- I was lucky to have gotten my first job with my mom. She needed someone to help her so she asked me and I wanted her to know that I was there so, of course, I said yes. I had to be responsible because work wasn't a game and my mom trusted me when hiring me.
  • Mexico trip

    Mexico trip
    My first time going on a plane and going to Mexico. I had never traveled without my parents and I was really nervous. I was shy at first but then I felt more comfortable. At first, I felt homesick but then I didn't want to stay for longer.
  • Junior year Homecoming

    Junior year Homecoming
    This was my first homecoming and I got to hang out with my friends. I didn't go for the sophomore year homecoming and I wasn't planning to go this year but I'm so happy my friends convinced me to go because I had a great time.
  • Election Judge

    Election Judge
    Committed- So I signed up to be an election last month and then I saw that we had to do 6 courses and some were long. I almost backed out but I decided to push through, when the day came I was really nervous and they put me as the Spanish translator last minute which made me more nervous. I had to be there for 15 hours but in the end, I felt accomplished and happy because I made a new friend.
  • Hanging out

    Hanging out
    Self-care: I was starting to close myself off to everyone again and I was saying no to hanging out with friends multiple times just to end up staying in my room rotting my brain on my phone. I realized I was doing this to myself so I decided to hang out with friends and I'm really happy I did.