Month 1
Cells begin to develop intestinal tract, lungs, liver, and kidney. Cells also begin to form neural groove, which is the beginning of our nervous system. Heart begins to beat. -
Month 2
Muscles and cartilage develop, fetus begins to develop human features, limb buds begin to elongate. -
Month 3
Fingerprints are evident, fetus can sleep, turn its head, and urinate. The respitory system begins to form, and the digestive system is active. -
Month 4
The back straightens, hands and feet are well formed. Fetus weighs about 1/2 pound or more. Ears are functioning. -
Month 5
The fetus is 12 inches long. Swear glands are formed and functioning. Hair, nails, and toes appear. There is lots of movement from the baby. -
Month 6
Eyes are fully formed and eyelids open. Taste buds appear. -
Month 7
Baby can now recognize mother's voice and is about 15 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. -
Month 8
Fat is formed over the entire body. Baby is very active, and the fetal heart beat becomes more rapid. -
1 Month old
At one month you were able to see any objects from about 8 to 12 inhes away, you could recognize certain smells, and you were beginning to smile. -
2 Months old
At two months old you were able to smile, hold objects for small amounts of time, reach out for an object, and you were beginning to hold your head, and push up with your arms. -
4 months old
At four months old you were able to sleep 6 hours a night, sit with support, and roll over. -
6 months old
At six months old you were able to express anger, you could hold a bottle, sit with minium support, and make two syllable sounds. -
8 months old
At eight months old you were able to sit unsupported, get in a crawling position, respond to your own name, you had diffrent reactions for diffrent family members, and you distress when removed from family members. -
9 months old
At nine months old you were able to identify yourself in a mirror. -
11 months old
At eleven months old you may have been able to say your frist words, you were able to understand "no", you were able to clap your hands and to wave bye-bye. -
1 year old
At a year old you were fearful of strangers, you were able to understand simple commands, and you were able to walk with assistance. -
Period: to
1 year to 2 years old
Between the ages of one and two years old you go through many amazing changes. You learn to walk, you begin to have more control over your small motor skills, your point and pull adults to areas where you would like them to focus their attention, you are able to throw and catch a ball, you are able to jump off the ground with both feet, remember where objects are usually located, eat with a fork, match familar objects, and are able to role play. -
I became a big sister
My younger brother Juston was born. Since my mother was already struggling financially things became even harder on my mother. I was still very young but had to quickly get used to my brother Juston, who was a premie getting the attention that I had previously been recieving. According to my mother I reacted by refusing to use the potty anymore. -
Period: to
Play years ages 2 to 6
During the time of ages two to six you learn about the world around you mostly by play. You begin to exercise and build your muscles by learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, or climbing a tree. You learn to master your small motor skills by writing your ABC's or drawing. You learn social behaviors by playing with children your age. -
I got another younger sibling
My sister Brionna was born the day after Christmas. Unlike when my brother was born I can actually remember when Brionna was born. I was very excited about having a baby sister but did not understand why Christmas was any diffrent then any other year and why my mother had to leave for the hospital. -
Learning social behaviors from cousins
Around this time I began to play with my cousins, who ranged in age from nine to three. While playing with my cousins I learned the importance of not being a "snitch," the importance of playing games by the rules, and the importance of taking turns and sharing. -
Period: to
The School Years ages 6 to 11
During the ages of six to eleven your memory improves, you are able to see patterns, you are able to use logic and strategy for problem solving, you are able to plan ahead, and you begin to develop a sense of self. -
Had my first "best friend"
Once I began school I got my first actual "best friend." Before this my "best friend" would have been my cousin Shelby or my sister Brionna, but once school started me and another girl in my class named Cassie became friends. -
Art Class
During school we got to go to art class once a week, which was my favorite class in school. One day we got to go outside where our teacher taught us to draw people. I could only draw stick people before and for whatever reason the memory of my teacher showing me how to draw actual people sticks in my mind and has helped me continue to develop my art skills to this day. -
Frist time being bullied
After our class had our Valentines day party a girl in my class, who was taller then all the other girls began to pick on me because I did not have a boyfriend. This girl bullied me until the end of the year when my mother requested that I be put in a diffrent class then her. -
Period: to
Adolescence ages 11 to 18
In the begging of adolescence around the ages of 11 to 13 the body begins to produce more body hair, increase persipiration, and increase oil production. Girls begin to develop breasts and hips. Girls also begin menstruation, and gain weight and height. During this age their is more aility for abstract thinking, struggles with self identity, stuggles for indepence, increased conflicts with parents. -
Frist boyfriend, frist kiss
The first time I got a boyfriend and the first time I had ever been kissed. Marked the age when I began to create and develop realtionships with members of the oppisite sex. -
Sweet 16
I turned 16 in December 16th 2005. This marked my frist real steps into adulthood. I got my license, which allowed me greater independence from my parents and a job. -
I graduated from John Glenn high in June of 2008. This is an important step in my life because it marks the beginning of my college career. This was a time when I seperated from many friends, and began to work toward the future. -
Period: to
Early Adulthood
In early adulthood you are able to think through ideas, delay gratification, being able to examine inner experiences, and able to hold concern for the future. You have a firmer sense of self, increased emotional stavility, increased independce, social and cultural traditions become more important. -
Move toward a serious relationship
Begin a serious long term relationship which involves moving in together. -
Frist home
Buy my own house, begin thinking of a family, get first dog. These all add responsibility, prepares me for my future lilfe. -
Getting my masters degree
Recieveing a masters degree in counseling. I am now able to get the type of job I strive for, I am now able to build my career to my standards. Beginning to make more money and take on more responsiblity. -
Have first child
Begin family, first child is born. Experience the difficulties in child rearing. -
Plan retirement
Begin to plan for retirement, plan for savings for family, life insurence. Facing more pressures from both work and family life. -
Period: to
Middle aged
During this timespan you begin to experience signs of aging, skin and hair become more dry and rough, body shape begins to change, hearing and vison begin to decline, pregnacys for women during this age are more difficult, menopause begins in the later part of this time span. -
Begin to notice signs of ageing
Beigin to notice lack of eslaticity in skin, dullness and thiness in hair, body begins to ache, and medical problems begin to arise. -
Must face death in a family
Must face the death of a close family member which makes you begin to face your own mortality. Trigging slight feelings of mid life crisis. You take out loan and travel to Paris with family. -
Period: to
Late Adult hood
During late adult hood your respiratory and circulatory system becomes less efficient, you face changes in your gastroinetinal tracts, Bone mass diminishes, muscles become weaker, many people face hair loss, your skin dries and becomes less flexable, you face decreased sensitivity in all your sensory inputs, your cogintive response time declines, your fluid intelligence declines, but your crystalized intelligence, your ability to use accumulated information to solve problems, improves. -
Best Friend Dies
Your life long friend dies at age from a heart attack. This event causes you to think about your own mortality. You write your will and leave instructions for family members in an event at you are unable to decide your own fate. -
Frist Grandchild
65th Birthday
At the age of 65 retirement is generally reached, your chances for chronic health problems such as arthritis, and hypertension increase. 15% of people over the age of 65 are affected by dementias. Social Security benefits begin. -
Begin to fulfill lifelong dreams and ambitions
Your husband and you take your life savings and fulfill your lifelong dreams of travel. You spend one year traveling around the world. -
Death of spouse
Research shows that Women generally outlive their male spouses.Widows make up about one third of the elderly population. Profound loneliness is common in Widows. -
Die at age 97 alseep in bed. -
On December 20th 1986 Jessica Densie is cremated with a small personal service.