8 Track Player
This is an 8 track player. My parents had one that they used for a radio when I was a kid. I still remember the day my mom showed me what an 8 track looked like and played an Alabama 8 track to show me how it worked. -
A VCR was the way we watched movies as a kids. It was life changing when the VCR rewinder came out. -
Floppy Disk
My first exposure to a floppy disk was at my grandparents house playing the game Digger on the computer. I remember thinking it was cool that the thing in middle moved. -
Cassette Tape
I remember making my own mixed tapes by waiting for my favorite song to come on the radio and hurrying to press play and record at the same time. The clear ones were especially cool, so was winding it up with a pencil. ;) -
Nokia Phone
The blue Nokia phone was the first cell phone my family owned. It was kept on top of the piano unless you were going somewhere and had permission to take it. Once in a while we'd enjoy a game of Snake on it if we were lucky. -
5 Disk CD Changer
Being able to pick five CD's to "have on deck" at the same time was the cool thing. My collection mostly consisted of Backstreet Boys, NSYNC and the latest Kids Bop. -
I never owned an iPod, but I did own a Zune. This was basically the same thing, just the Microsoft version. We were able to download and listen to music and see the album it came from. Getting the 32gb for Christmas was a big deal. -
I got my first iPad my second year teaching. It was the first time I had experience using an apple product. I remember taking iPad professional development offered by the district. -
Blogging was basically an open journal for others to read. You could add pictures, write posts, post links, and invite others to read it. It was a way to keep others updated on what was happening in your life. I started my first blog when my husband and I were married. -
Getting an Alexa was absolutely life changing for my house. I remember when my husband wanted to get one and I thought it was a waste of money. Now she makes my grocery list, plays music for me, sets timers, and is basically my personal assistant.