James. Knox. Polk

By tayne
  • birth day

    he was born on November 2, 1795, Pineville, NC
  • move out

    When he was 10 years old, the family moved to the Tennessee frontier to join his grandfather.
  • army

    he was not in the army
  • college

    he when to university University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • job

    he was a clerk of the state senate.
  • married

    James Polk was marred to Sarah Polk
  • yong hickory

  • children

    he had non
  • governer

    become govern of Tennessee
  • political party

    political party
    he was a Democratic.
  • election

    The presidency of James K. Polk began on March 3, 1845 - March 4, 1849
  • Texas becomes a state

    Texas is admitted as a slave state, making it the twenty-eighth state in the Union.
  • law he develop

    law he develop
    Added a large territory to U.S. he purchase California.
    He set the Oregon territory.
  • the Mexican war

    Congress declares war on Mexico after American troops, under General Zachary Taylor, clash with Mexican troops on the north bank of the Rio Grande.
  • good president

    he incres the united states
  • bear flag revolt

  • Tariff

    Congress passes a tariff
  • Iowa

    Iowa is admitted as a free state, making it the twenty-ninth state in the Union.
  • mexico

    mexico lose the war
  • Gold discovered in California

    the gold rush
  • Wisconsin

    Wisconsin is admitted as a free state, making it the thirtieth state in the Union.
  • left office

  • death

    Polk died on June 15, 1849 in Nashville, Tennessee from cholera. He was only in retirement for three months. Polk was buried at Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • cholera

    this is the vires the he die from