birth day
he was born on November 2, 1795, Pineville, NC -
move out
When he was 10 years old, the family moved to the Tennessee frontier to join his grandfather. -
he was not in the army -
he when to university University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill -
he was a clerk of the state senate. -
James Polk was marred to Sarah Polk -
yong hickory
he had non -
become govern of Tennessee -
political party
he was a Democratic. -
The presidency of James K. Polk began on March 3, 1845 - March 4, 1849 -
Texas becomes a state
Texas is admitted as a slave state, making it the twenty-eighth state in the Union. -
law he develop
Added a large territory to U.S. he purchase California.
He set the Oregon territory. -
the Mexican war
Congress declares war on Mexico after American troops, under General Zachary Taylor, clash with Mexican troops on the north bank of the Rio Grande. -
good president
he incres the united states -
bear flag revolt
Congress passes a tariff -
Iowa is admitted as a free state, making it the twenty-ninth state in the Union. -
mexico lose the war -
Gold discovered in California
the gold rush -
Wisconsin is admitted as a free state, making it the thirtieth state in the Union. -
left office
Polk died on June 15, 1849 in Nashville, Tennessee from cholera. He was only in retirement for three months. Polk was buried at Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee. -
this is the vires the he die from