Eli Whitney, American inventor, created the first cotton gin.
This new machine allowed cottonto be cleaned at a much faster rate than by hand. Rather than averaging a pound or so of cleaned cotton a day, a slave could be expected to produce fifty or so pounds of cleaned cotton per day. The machine quickened the process of producing cotton by separating the seeds from the cotton, which took very long to do by hand. The cotton gin made cotton so popular that it required even more slave labor to be brought into the south.In the South industry and slavery grew -
Robert Fulton launches the world's firsrt steamboat
In 1803, with the financial support of Robert Licingston, Fulton launched the world's first steamboat, the Clermont. Transport was revolutinized and this invention aloowed many countries to expand their borders. It especially improved travel on the Mississippi River in America, and also quickened Western expansion for the United States. By using the steam engine, boats could move much quicker as well as upstream. -
Samuel F.B. Morse invented an electical telegraph using a code that he also developed
Although an artist, Samuel F.B. Morse devoted himself to and eventually created an electical telegraph that could send messages over 1,700 feet of wire. Eventually telegraph stations were set up all over major cities in America and the telegraph became the main source of long term communication in America. Messages would send small clicking sounds that each coded for a letter. The message would then be delivered once uncoded. -
Thomas Edison creates the first phonograph
In 1877, Thomas Edison, an American inventor, found a way to record and play back sound. By cutting sound signals into tinfoil, the phonograph could play back sound. It was invented in America, but it changed the world. It was originally meant to be used in recording phone calls, however it had a much larger impact in the music industry. Now people could record, listen to, and sell all kinds of music ni the form of records. It completely changed entertainment in the early 1900's.