Ivana Brkljacic

By ivabrk1
  • Birth

    I was born premature weighing in 3 pounds 9 oz. at Northwestern Memorial Hospital on Decemeber 5th 1995.
  • Visiting Croatia for the first time.

    Visiting Croatia for the first time.
    I visited Croatia for the first time with my father when I was five. We went for three months in the summer. Both of my parents are from Gospic Lika
  • Moving to Lincolnwood

    Moving to Lincolnwood
    The summer going into fourth grade I moved from Skokie to Lincolnwood. I switched schools and graduated from Lincoln Hall.
  • First Dog.

    First Dog.
    We bought our first dog Bentley the Boxer when we moved into our new house. He's like a baby brother to us now.
  • My first job

    My first job
    I got my first job at the Niles West Textbook Center my freshmen year. I worked the a full time job at Niles West the summer of 2011.
  • My first car

    In June I get my sister's black Volkswagen Jetta, this will be my first car.
  • Visiting Croatia.

    Visiting Croatia.
    When I go back to Europe for the summer I'm going to be able to see all of my family and friends. After Croatia, I'm going to Italy and England again.
  • Graduating Niles West

    Graduating Niles West
    This is important because this would be a milestone in my life that would leave me ready to start college and persue my career.
  • Starting College

    Starting College
    In the fall of 2014, I'll hopefully be starting my Physical Educaton major and socialogy minor at Illinois State Univeristy. My sister graduates from ISU next fall.
  • Join a Sorority

    Join a Sorority
    When I enter college I want to join a sorority like my sister did, It's important because it's a good way to make new friends.
  • Studying Abroad

    Studying Abroad
    I want to travel around Europe and study aboard my junior year so that I can experience the world.
  • Getting my own place

    Getting my own place
    My parents said that once I am done with college they are going to purchase me a downtown condo.
  • Stable Career

    Stable Career
    By the time I'm 26 I want to have a stable career so that I know i have a good source of income. I would like to be teaching at a school and managing the apartment buildings my parents own.
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
    By the time I'm 27 I would have liked to get married and be settled down. I would want to be get married at Queen of All Saints Basilica in Chicago.
  • First child

    First child
    When I'm 30 I want to have my first child, this will be a very large step because it's me starting my own family.
  • Move to Winnetka

    Move to Winnetka
    In the same year that I have my second child I would like to move to Winnetka, Illinois. My children would attend North Shore Country Day School.
  • Buy a summer home

    Buy a summer home
    When I'm 33 I would like to purchase a summer home in Lake Geneva, WIsconsin. My family goes there every weekend and it would be a great place to be.
  • Volunteer in Belize

    Volunteer in Belize
    I would like to Travel to Belize and help teach kids to learn to read for a few months in the summer. I would mean a lot to help children better themselves.
  • Buy a boat

    Buy a boat
    Because I want to purchase a summer house I would love to have a boat and be able to dock it down by the lake. It would be a great place to spend the summers with my kids and my family.
  • Buy a house in vacation home in Colorado.

    Buy a house in vacation home in Colorado.
    I love going skiing/snowboarding so purchasing a vacation home in Vail, Colorado would be perfect.
  • More Volunteer work

    More Volunteer work
    I would like to Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity helping to build houses.
  • Build a house in Croatia

    Build a house in Croatia
    I would build a house in my hometown of Gospic, Lika. My family owns a good amount of land there and we would go to Croatia in the summer.
  • Bookstore

    Opening a bookstore has been my dream ever since I was little. I read like crazy and a cozy bookstore would be complete. I would open it in downtown Evanston.
  • Retire

    I would like to retire at the age of 67. I have been working since the age of 15 and saved money up along the years.
  • Donate

    I would like to donate money to the Musuem of Science & Industry because it is my favorite mueseum.
  • Donate

    I would donate to the Modern art wing of the Art Institute of Chicago. I love to see people creating new things that mean something.
  • Rest of my life

    Rest of my life
    I would love to spend the last years of my life with my family and good friends. I would travel around to my vacation homes and see the rest of the world.